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Did you check out Severus' background chapter called "Payback" among the Specials? It isn't necessary to understand the main story, but it adds some nice flavour and in my opinion there can never be enough Luc & Sev.

Chapter beta: Dani

Chapter translator: Aivy


"My Lord, Lucius, was just about to inform you of the positive aspects of Narcissa's death for him and for you," proclaimed Severus' deep, oily voice, while he laid his right hand on his chest, as I had done when I began to speak, and bowed his head slightly, causing his chin-length hair to fall into his expressionless face and surround it, before standing up again with his eyes fixed on the Dark Lord.

It happened very rarely that Severus' voice could be heard in these halls. He was silent most of the time, never speaking his mind or what he thought, unless I or the Dark Lord asked for his opinion, but only then! Or else in the private salons, which were public only for us. Yes, we had the privilege of knowing other rooms in these deserted, dreary halls than this cold throne room, but these were taboo for the other members of the circle!

Severus' voice immediately attracted the attention of his lordship, captivating him, and he, the Dark Lord, focused his red, reptilian eyes on Severus.

"Severus, you agree with that?" he asked inquisitively and Severus just nodded. At this point, I skilfully jumped back into the conversation.

"My Lord, exactly, the positive. First, Narcissa's arm was examined and here one of her qualities came into play: her vanity," I said cynically, which the Dark Lord probably regarded similarly, since he nodded slightly. "Well, I am now the poor, grieving, and suffering widower who, thanks to the evil, wicked Death Eaters, has lost his most beloved wife! You see, My Lord, I am fully rehabilitated after the slanderous rumors that have been circulating about me for some time," I explained with a predatory grin.

I must say, I was very happy just now, but not only me, for then the Dark Lord started to laugh out loud in that unnatural voice. It was such an unfamiliar, frightening sound coming out of his mouth when he laid back the bald head, that I had to suppress a wince. But while the three of us managed this very well, the same could not be said of the other four men.

They looked as if they were about to wet their pants, I thought scornfully when I saw their anxiously crouched posture, as the echo of the cold, evil laughter echoed in the grand hall.

"Leave us alone," the Dark Lord now hissed impatiently at the four frightened men in the corner, who at once bowed and retreated in great haste towards the exit. As soon as they had left the room, the Lord measured us with a ponderous look and stood up leisurely. His tall, slender and very androgynous figure stretched upwards, and he now stepped down the steps of his pedestal, slowly and majestically. His floor-length robe played around his feet in soft folds as he made use of the vastness of the hall, pacing silently back and forth.

The three of us stayed in place and waited. He liked to do that, giving himself over to his thoughts and ideas, but he would never show this impulse to move in front of others, I thought. Finally, he turned to us with billowing folds of fabric and his eyes narrowed to suspicious, narrow slits when he regarded us coldly.

"WE know that we have not given such an order to the wicked, evil Death Eaters! Nonetheless, I am quite satisfied with the result of the circumstances, on that we agree. However, I do not know who was the one responsible for Mrs. Malfoy's demise! This is unacceptable! I want her murderer," the Dark Lord announced frostily and I could almost feel Draco tense up beside me. Yet, he denied himself any comment and I saw him squaring his shoulders. Severus was the personification of calmness itself, as always, but my expressionless mask almost slipped when the master so vehemently demanded the murderer!

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