Love Cottage and Snape

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Love Cottage and Snape

Throughout the day I felt a certain anticipation towards the evening. I hoped Fred and George would like it. And yesterday's passionate meeting with Sirius was another reason for my good mood. Today I still felt slightly sore and bruised, which gave me a wonderfully satisfied feeling.

To the culmination of this morning, a really delightful and amusing article from Rita had appeared in the Daily Prophet, which in overall contained what I had wished for: a critical description of the facts! Fudge would fume after yesterday's humiliation in the Gamot, and now the public malice and worry that he had lost control and the Dementors no longer obeyed to the Ministry, it was too glorious. I could already see the howlers which would now besiege the government building inside my mind and revelled in my subtle revenge.

But let's be honest, the idiot deserves nothing else. To close his eyes in the face of danger, wasn't simply stupid, it was completely nuts. His ignorance played into the hands of the Dark Lord, an action so stupid that it physically hurted me. The latter was thus able to gather his people around him in peace and seclusion, while the Ministry fought against imagined attempts to overthrow them and didn't arm themselves for the actual threat. Well, I wouldn't be able to change anything for now.

I could see at the breakfast table how incredibly excited the twins were. They unleashed their ribald humor and jokes, without regard for their poor siblings who couldn't hold a candle to them in this regard. It was too funny. But still the mood was good, because Harry changed for the positive and chattered all the time with a all around happy and satisfied Sirius. The rest of my day went as usual, very successful from my point of view, and, as I always had a lot to do, the evening came faster than expected.

Once again I rushed into the house, as I arrived for dinner almost too late nearly every evening and got to sit again in a very crowded kitchen. I remembered the Twins warning too well and therefore sticked to water for the whole evening, which I prefered to the sweet pumpkin juice anyway. The atmosphere in the kitchen changed very quickly when Ginny suddenly pressed a hand to her stomach which made strange, loud noises, and as she was visibly uncomfortable with that, her anxious, embarrassed glance glided to Harry immediately. Suddenly she jumped up as if stung by an adder and shot out of the room with a "Sorry, Mum!"

They all looked at each other as all at once Ron's nose began to bleed, and he frantically pushed a cloth to his nose, and Harry turned green on his face, before he began to gag, that one had to almost feel sick, too. He jumped up as well and quickly ran out of the room. It was just getting very hard not to burst into laughter. The twins' joke items were worth gold, just splendid, they would make a fortune at Hogwarts. Fred and George put on such an oscar-worthy show that even I assumed they had taken one themselves at first, as often as they were their own guinea pigs, but the expression in Fred's eyes, this painfully suppressed amused sparkle, let me revise that opinion. They just played as if they would immediately puke and die, but it was very convincing, so I very nearly took part out of pure sympathy.

"Puh, I'm going, too, I think they infected me," I explained slightly sufferingly, placing my hand demonstratively on my stomach, then I staggered to the door.

"Oh my God, Arthur. What's happening to the children? They're all sick, hopefully it's nothing serious!" cried a deeply concerned Molly, feeling very confused about this rampant disease.

"Calm down, it's nothing bad. Perhaps they infected each other. They're going to bed at once, and then we look after them ... " said Arthur, soothingly, with a deep voice and radiated that serenity, but with his hectic wife he probably needed that inner peace. In our room I quickly put one of the sleeping-sweets and an antidote to stop the effect of the Weasley-Wizard-Sweets in a water glass. I was dissolving them, when Ginny stumbled into the room because she'd been in the bathroom before. She looked horrible, so pale, totally colorless, and her strong, red hair made her look even more sick.

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