A Merry Train Ride

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A Merry Train Ride

This year's Head Boy was a Ravenclaw named Roger Davies. He was very reminiscent of Percy Weasley, what with the way he carried himself and the way he spoke.

"Chrchrrm, lovely to have you all here!", he spoke up, his voice grave. The sound of his voice snapped me out of my thoughts and brought me back to the present. I eventually found my place between a couple of Sixth years.

The minute I sat down, I already felt multiple eyes on me. After quickly, and subtly, sweeping my gaze around me, I confirmed that most of those stares were coming from my male classmates. It made me wonder why they had decided to fix their gaze on me. Had my physical appearance altered that much in their eyes? Or was it my demeanour? Something must have changed for their attention to gravitate towards me, likewise Malfoy's. The first thing that I thought to evaluate was my attire.

The black summer dress that I was wearing couldn't be called that special. It had short sleeves that covered my shoulders, an Empire style and a skirt that flared wide below the bodice and ended on my thighs. Additionally, I was wearing the silk scarf artfully draped around my neck, so nobody would notice how bruised it was.

Apart from that, I had also applied some make-up today, so as to not appear as dead as I felt. But, somehow, I doubted that my choice of clothing was the reason.

The next thing that came to mind was my physique. It had, naturally, changed over the years but the recent training had done a good job of toning my body. And my choice of clothing did show that off a bit. I felt flattered and slightly proud, but it did not show on my face. Outwardly, I maintained an impassive expression as I listened to Davies' circumlocutory monologue.

This had to be the worst form of torture imaginable. Roger Davies' voice was droning and the words he spouted had zero substance. This lack of captivity could rival even Professor Binns. Even I had difficulty staying awake. I spared a look Ron's way and found him among a group of Hufflepuffs he had recently become amiable with. As I had expected, he was asleep, being the only one to be doing so apart from Ernie. I would have laughed if it hadn't been so sad. In my boredom, I decided to look around the room.

Most of the students had chosen to ignore Roger Davies and were busying themselves with other activities. Parkinson was engaged in a conversation with Carola Graham, a sixth year Slytherin, and Draco Malfoy was focused on me still. I frowned - what was that about? - and resolved to keep him inconspicuously in my sight as well. What was he seeing or thinking to see, that he bestowed this much attention on me, the Mudblood?

"... these were your tasks in detail!" Davies beamed at the group after finishing his long-winded monologue. The unfurling silence jolted many from their sleep.

"And now I ask you to start your rounds and to aid the first years!" he assigned sententiously and, before he could blink, the lot came to life. Everybody got to their feet swiftly. I had taken a seat right in the back and didn't intend to stand up soon. Sitting did me good, so I tried to blend into the background. In principle, I wanted to have my peace and forget what had happened to me. I observed Ron searching for me, only to give up and follow Padma.

The compartment emptied rapidly. Most of them probably wanted to return quickly to their friends and talk about the holidays. Therefore I had a wonderful excuse why I didn't hurry back to the others. After the last had left, I straightened myself, closed my eyes wearily and breathed a sigh of relief. Alone! How good that felt!

I was happy to be a Prefect, because of the advantages it provided me and as I said I take it as it comes. Suddenly I heard to the door close, a sound that surprised me. I turned around with a jerk and saw a nonverbal Colloportus being cast. Not only the outrage about that made gasp, but the careless movement had torn dangerously at my intestines. Who? Ah...

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