You Said Who? - Pietro

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"Wow." Pietro looked you up and down as you walked through the living area of the tower. "Stop Pietro." You could feel his eyes on you, feel the smirk. "Come on you can't look that good about the place." Pietro defended himself still checking you out taking in everything. Oh how he envied your boyfriend. "Good job I'm leaving then." You told him grabbing your jacket. "God the things I'd do to you." Pietro's accent got thicker as he spoke. Bye Pietro." You chimed walking out the door.

Pietro made his crush on you obvious. He thought it was fine because you had a boyfriend. You didn't mind the compliments that he gave you. The sexual references were a little hard to forget sometimes. Pietro was attractive, hell the whole team was, especially when they're all freshly showered. So it's okay if they walk about topless but you can't wear a dress, okay.

"Hey handsome." You smiled as you saw your boyfriend dressed up nice. "Hey sexy." He smirked when he saw you giving you a kiss. "Mmh we should skip dinner." He mumbled into the kiss. "Nope, I'm hungry." You took his hand that was resting on your ass and pulled him along to the fancy restaurant. "You're a tease." Greg said as you walked in front  of him, exaggerating your walking to show off your ass. "You love it." You smirked back at him walking into the restaurant.

"Fuck Pietro-" You were in the heat of the moment having sex with Greg when the 2 words came out your mouth. Shit. "I'm sorry that was not my name." Greg said stopping what he was doing. "Who are you thinking off when we have sex?" He asked coming of off you. "What, I'm not thinking of anyone." You defended yourself, it was true but you didn't know why you said it, didn't know why you said his name. Although Pietro has probably thought of you a lot like that, you haven't. "Jesus how could I be so blind?" Greg asked himself getting off the bed and standing up. "It's that quick kid isn't it?" Greg asked you and you sat up. "Oh my god there is nothing going on between us!" You shouted at him getting up yourself. The shouting match continued. "Yeah but you clearly wish there was." "No I don't." "Just get out." Greg started handing you your clothes that were all over the place. "Oh my god how don't you trust me." You pulled your dress back on. "Well just look at you in that dress." The tone in Greg's voice hurt, as if thats all this was about, your body. "Wow thanks, you know that relay makes me feel like 1 million dollars." You grabbed your shoes and began putting them on. "Babe I didn't mean it like that." Greg's voice softened when he realised how it sounded. "Like what? Like I tart myself up for them? This is for you you idiot!" You shouted as you stood up. "You know what never mind." You mumbled grabbing you jacket and leaving the apartment.

"What's with the racket?" Clint's voice asked from behind you as you were opening and shutting the cupboards looking for the hidden stash of chocolate bars you had hidden but you were unsuccessful in finding them. "I'm sorry." You mumbled to him shutting the last door. "Are you just home? I thought you'd be staying the night." Clint questioned knowing that you were out with Greg. "Yeah so did I." You didn't meant to snap at him. "Do you want to talk about it?" Clint's father instincts jumped in seeing that you were upset. "Thanks Clint but it's fine, lovers tiff, we just need time to cool off, things will be fine in the morning." You told him forcing a smile to him. "Okay." Clint wasn't satisfied but he knew it was best to let it go. "And your chocolates are on the top shelf in the right cupboard."


You woke up in the morning to your phone ringing. "Morning." Your voice was a little groggy. " Can I come over and talk?" Greg asked on the other line. "Fine, you know everyone is here though." You told him getting up to find some clothes. "It's just I'm passing." Greg sighed forgetting about everyone else. "Sure, let me know when you're here."

Greg was only 10 minutes away and you were now in your room. "I'm sorry about last night, what I said." You apologised knowing that it was all your fault. "What saying his name?" Greg was in a pissy mood and it showed. "Come on I'm trying to apologise." You told him. "Okay yes it slipped out but I never think about him like that." You tried to convince Greg but he wasn't believing it. "Well something's clearly going on." Greg's voice was getting louder as he was getting more frustrated. "Do you honestly think that I'm cheating on you, after 7 months you don't trust me.." Your voice fell short at the end, it hurt that he didn't trust you after this long. "Not with all of them, you've got super Soldier and a God." Greg yelled. "Jesus Christ you don't trust me." The more you said it the more you believed it, he did not trust you. "Come on." You took his hand and opened the door. "What are you doing?" Greg asked you as you pulled him along. "FRIDAY I want all the guys in the kitchen." You told FRIDAY dragging Greg along to the kitchen.

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