Let Me Prove It - Bucky

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A/n: I have no idea where this came from or where it went but hope you enjoy. Very short one

"How can she not like the way she looks?" Bucky sighed to Steve who wasn't being much help. "A lotta girls don't like the way they look Bucky, it's just something they all do." Steve shrugged, not knowing why it bothered Bucky so much. "But Christ Steve have you seen her? She's gorgeous." Bucky fell back onto the bed, thoughts off you entering your mind. "Maybe you gotta show her that she is then?" Steve questioned Bucky. "Now come on, time for our run."
"Hi I was wondering if you could help me?" Bucky asked the shop assistant. "Of course." She smiled at him. "If there was this girl and she wasn't feeling good about her body, what could I buy her to make her feel good about herself?" Bucky asked the lady.

"Well I mean you could buy her something that you think she would look good in although she might not agree with you." The lady walked about and Bucky followed. "We have an amazing dress here that would be beautiful on anyone I think." The lady pointed out a black bodycon dress. "I'll take it."

"Also, a nice treat would be some sexy underwear, something you'd love to see her in. A treat for her an you." The lady stated causing Bucky to blush slightly. Luckily Bucky knew your bra size.


"Dammit." You groaned as you struggled to clip up your bra due to your broken wrist.

"(Y/N) everything okay?" Bucky's voice asked through your door.


"Do you need help?"

"Yes." You covered up and the door opened. "I can't clip my bra, would you do it?" You asked him. Bucky swallowed hard and walked into the room. He moved behind you, dipping the bed down.

"Which one?" Bucky asked.

"The loosest one." You told him, felling his hands brush against your bare back as he fumbled with the clips.

"Thank you Bucky."

***flashback over***

"Well since the dress is black I'd go with black." The shop assistant broke Bucky from his thoughts. "Okay thank you, I'll have a browse."

"That's one lucky lady you've got there." The shop assistant put through the items on the till. "Yeah, she is."


"Bucky, the way you're doing this is as if it's a date..." Steve's voice wandered off as Bucky looked at him. "Maybe I want that." Bucky mentioned as he wrote his note. "I mean, I know I'm attracted to her Steve. In more than one way."
You got into your room after a while of moping around the place. You were going to flop on your bed but there was a box on it. You went over and there was a note on the top with your name so you took it out to read.

I don't know why but I know that you don't like the way you look. Well I think you're wrong, you're beautiful and you need to know that so get dressed and meet me at the front off the building at 7 x

You examined the note, reading over and over again. How could someone know you didn't like the way you looked, you never made it known. How could someone care about what you thought about yourself, you didn't.

You opened the box finding a dress and underwear. You examined it all and knew you would look huge in it. It was already 5 o'clock and if you did go you would need to start getting ready.

You needed to thank whoever was doing it but you had no idea, you thought it would probably be one of the girls, especially since they got your bra size right.

After showering and putting on makeup you slipped on the dress. It clung to everything and you hated it. Your stomach was too big, hips and thighs looked massive. You sighed as you walked to your wardrobe, you could at least wear something else to see who it was. You opened your wardrobe and there was nothing in it but a note.

I wouldn't have bought the dress if I didn't think you'd look amazing in it. Please trust me x

"It'd be easier if I knew who to trust." You mumbled out as you walked back to the mirror, examining yourself again. You were going to have to do it, going to have to go out not liking what you were wearing.
You avoided the lounge and every route that meant you would see people as you headed down to the building.

"Wow." Bucky caught sight of you as you walked out the building. "Bucky?" You questioned him as you saw him, standing in a simple suit. "I would have got you a dozen roses but they would be awkward at dinner so I only got one." Bucky held out the rose to you.

"Why are you doing all this?" You took the rose from him, smelling it. "You deserve to know that you're beautiful and that you're worth it." He told you. "Do you like the dress?" He asked as he admired you again, unable to take his eyes off you. "Yes."

"You should tell your face that." Bucky mumbled out, feeling slightly defeated. "I just, it clings to everything." You mentioned, brushing the dress down. "You look amazing though, I don't know why you think that's a bad thing." Bucky assured you."Physically I have never been more attracted to someone than I have you." Bucky spilled his guts, avoiding your gaze.

"Bucky." You blushed with shock. "What?" Bucky questioned, noticing your shock and blush. "Is that not something people tell one another?" He questioned. "Not really, not unless they wanted something to happen." You informed him. "Maybe I do." He piped out. "What?" You were unsure if you heard right. "Physically I know I am attracted to you. Mentally and emotionally, I'm not so sure about what it is I feel anymore in general..." Bucky admitted. "I just, I mean of course I like you, I care for you and knowing that you were getting down about this upset me. I just wanted to show you that you looked good." Bucky mumbled out his words. You brushed away the tears that were forming and pulled Bucky in for a hug. Bucky was shocked at first but hugged back.

"That's the nicest thing someone has ever done for me." You whispered into the hug. "Thank you Bucky." You thanked him. "You're very welcome, now come on, we have a date to go on." Bucky froze at his own words. "A date huh." Your voice was playful. "I was meant to ask that wasn't I." He scratched the back off his neck and you laughed. "Shit I don't even know if you want this, would want me. I mean why would you." Bucky mumbled out, beginning to get nervous again.

"Now now Bucky, you can't try and prove to me I'm worth it if you don't think you are yourself." You told time. "Come on, lets go on our date." You took his hand, lacing it with yours. Bucky smiled as you began walking.
"Thank you Bucky for tonight." You thanked him as you walked to your room, stopping at the door. You leaned in and gave him a kiss. Bucky kissed back, something he's wanted to do all night, pushing you against the door as his hands rested on your waist.

"Since you bought it, I think it's only fair that you get to see me in the underwear." You whispered to Bucky as you parted lips, opening your door as you did. You took Bucky's hand and took him into your room, shutting the door and pushing him against it. Bucky had managed to gain your confidence over the night.

Your hands began to fumble with his shirt and his hands found their way to the zipper off your dress. You unbuttoned his shirt as your dress fell to the ground. You suddenly felt self conscious as Bucky stooped kissing you.

"You're so beautiful."

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