Better off Without Me - Tony

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"Come on okay, you need to have fun again. It's been a month. So get dressed." Natasha threw a dress at you and walked out your bedroom. "I don't need to go to a party to have fun!" You shouted through to her. "Binge watching FRIENDS with Ben and Jerry's isn't fun!" She shouted back to you as she tided up your living room, just in case you brought someone back. "God how much food can you eat and still look good." She muttered to herself as you got dressed. You had to admit that it was a lovely dress.

"You're lucky I don't fuss about all this

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"You're lucky I don't fuss about all this." You mentioned to Natasha as you fixed your hair. "It's New Years Eve, please have fun, for me?" Natasha asked you and you rolled your eyes. "Fine."

"10." People bagan to count down and the thoughts off your ex came into mind. "9." "I hate this part." You mumbled out to yourself. "8." "7." "It's because you have no one to kiss." Tony Stark spoke to you making your heart pound faster. "6." "5." "4." "Then make me not hate it." You suggested. "3." "2." "1." Tony leaned in and gave you a kiss. You kissed back, both off you getting more into it than you thought. "Happy new year." Tony whispered as your lips barley parted. "Happy new year." You mimicked as you bit down on your lip. Natasha was right, you needed to have fun. Tony leaned in again and kissed you with more eagerness and lust. "How long do you have to stay at your party for?" You asked Tony as you parted lips, again. "I can leave whenever." He smirked as he looked about. He knew Natasha would be killing you right now if she was in the room but she wasn't. "Then what are we waiting for?"


You woke up with a dry mouth and a sore head. You moved and a body stirred next to you. You gathered your surroundings and everything came back to you. You turned around to face Tony. "Oh god." You whispered out to yourself. "Morning." Tony mumbled out and stretched in bed. "Last night was.." you started. "Fun." Tony cut in. "Yes but also a mistake. Tony I'm not looking for a relationship right now." You told him bracing for the answer. "Oh god no, either am I." He admitted to you. He was just getting over Pepper. "Great, I'm glad we're on the same page." You let out a sigh of relief. "Please don't tell Natasha." You both pleaded at the same time. "No, no I won't." Tony assured you. "Great. I should go." You began to get up, finding last nights clothes about the room and slipping it on. "I'll see you around Tony."


"So where did you get off to last night?" Natasha asked you over the phone as you got in your apartment. "Oh I went home not long after midnight, I'm sorry." You mentioned to her as you sat your bag down. "That's okay, I'm just glad you came out." She smiled down the phone. "I'm glad I did too. I had fun, thanks for convincing me."


"Tony I know we're not together but I'm pregnant." You told Tony at the tower. "What?" He stepped back in shock slightly. "I want to keep it Tony, I couldn't get rid off a life like that." You told him, abortion was not an option. "(Y/N) I don't know if I can." Tony shook his head not knowing what to do. His whole life has just changed. "I'm not the best father figure." He added and looked to you. "Take some time to think but I will respect your decision." You understood where Tony was coming from.

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