Secrets - Peter

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A/n: Short and sweet Peter one

"I don't want to tell my dad we're dating, not quite yet. He gets very protective and weird about it all. I want to enjoy this." You told Peter, a week into dating him. "I understand." Peter gave you a kiss. Although he did understand, he didn't like keeping secrets.

You had been dating for over a month but still hadn't told your father.


"I'm actually quite glad you couldn't go away today, I'm showing Spider-Man around." Your dad informed you.

"Ah cool, finally get to meet the masked man." You grinned, your mind racing off the possibilities off what he would be like. "You can call me when he's here, I'll be in my room." You gave your dad a kiss on the cheek as you left the lab.
"Mr Stark I really have something I need to tell you." Peter mumbled out as they were in the elevator for like the 6th time today. "It can wait, everyone is gathered." Tony told Peter as the elevator came to a stop, stepping out as the doors opened. "Okay everyone, this is-"

"Peter?" You cut your dad off, taking in your boyfriend who was standing there, a scared look on his face. "I thought you were at Morgan's?" Peter asked, shocked to see you there. "She wasn't feeling well so she cancelled." You told him. "But I don't think that's the question that needs to be asked." You stood with your hands on your hips, the whole team looking back and forth between you both.

"Wait, you know each other?" Tony asked you both. "Yeah we've been dating for over a month. I thought we could tell each other anything Pete." Your voice wandered off. "I'm sorry who's dating who now?" Tony asked, dad mode going on. "I'm going to my room." You mumbled out, not wanting the tears to fall. Peter began to walk after you.

"Yeah Peter sometimes it's best if you just let her - oh nope okay then." Tony mumbled out as he jogged to you. Peter took your arm but you shoved it away. "Please (Y/N) look I'm sorry." Peter mentioned to you as he kept walking. "I just don't understand Peter, I though we were in a good place you know, no secrets." You told him as you turned around, Peter watched as there were tears falling.

"We can, and if it was anything else I would have. It's just - it's just, the bad guys, they go for the ones you care about and I just, I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to you, especially when I'm still getting used to things." Peter mumbled out, trying to find the right words. "I mean, not even Steve knew who I was until today, and you know how much off a Captain America fan I am." Peter whispered to you.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" You huffed and Peter felt defeated. He was going to lose you before things had even begun. "I just thought you could trust me." You piped out, afraid if you spoke any louder you would break. "Oh I do trust you, I know that if I had told you, you wouldn't tell a soul. It's not that, I just didn't want you getting hurt because of me. I just, I don't want to lose you." Peter mumbled his words, aware off the crowd that was watching on.

You let out a sigh as you looked to him, his eyes filled with sadness and regret. "I'm sorry." You whispered out to him. "Why are you sorry? You don't need to be sorry." Peter cupped your face. "I'm known to over react. It's in my blood." You mumbled and Peter smiled. He pulled you into a hug and you gladly wrapped your arms around him.

"Okay Romeo and Juliette break it up." Tony called out and you both pulled apart. "I didn't say I was okay with this." He crossed his arms over his chest, a stern look on his face. "Come on dad, you always said how much you like Spider-Man and how you knew I'd like him. You know Peter dad, he's good for me." You pleaded with him and a smile tugged on his lips. "Fine." He sighed in defeat. "But Peter we're finishing the tour first." Tony demanded. "That's fine." Peter agreed, knowing not to get on the bad side off him. "I'll see you later okay." Peter gave you a kiss, then got dragged off by Tony.

"Don't hurt him!" You yelled and walked to the sofa.


"So, you think you'll like it here?" You asked Peter as you lounged on a sofa. "I will. I already do. Plus I get to see you more." He placed a kiss on your cheek. "You won't get sick off me will you?" You questioned him. "I could never get sick off you." Peter mumbled into a kiss. "I know a room dad didn't show you." You took Peter's hand, standing up. "Where?" Peter asked not catching on. "Mine."
"(Y/N) sweetheart May's on the phone for Peter." Tony spoke as he walked into your room. He looked on and let out a small sigh with a content smile. He looked as you both were snuggled together with a film on in the background. "May he's okay here for tonight if that's okay with you." Tony spoke down the phone as he shut the door. "That's fine, thank you Tony."

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