Shooting Range - Bucky

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You were just a shield agent, nothing special, not the best but certainly not the worst. Okay you were pretty good but you didn't like to gloat.

"Bucky you can come here to train, let off some steam." Steve said to Bucky as they walked into the shooting range practice room. "Thanks Steve." Bucky replied looking to the hand guns he could sign out. "I'm going to go to the gym if you need me okay." Steve told his friend and left him too it. It was a quiet day, there was a lot of in field training going on which was new so it gave Bucky the chance to let off steam. He didn't know why, he didn't like it but shooting helped him clam down and relax. Probably something he was used to but he didn't like to think about it. He picked up a gun and began to shoot at targets, his hands were shakier now but he managed to hit them nearly perfect each time.

You walked into the shooting range, heels angrily clincking on the floor not knowing that someone else was there, no one was ever there that late. You caught Bucky's attention as you came in, the sound of importance following you. He thought he was going to get in trouble but he watched as you picked up the gun and shooting the target. His eyes left your body and looked to the target that was shot perfectly. He looked back to you and was shocked at what you were wearing, not workout gear or kavlar but a black dress that hugged your figure tightly.

You could feel eyes on you as you shot. You turned your head and you caught a guy looking at you, Bucky Barnes to be precise. He looked away and you looked at him, he was hot, extremely hot. Look at those thighs. I'd let him kill me with them. Damn I'm staring. You started shooting again when he spoke up. "You're good at that." He said looking over. "Thanks." You gave him a smile placing down your gun. "Although that is not the typical thing to wear." Bucky took a chance to admire you again and he liked what he saw each time. "Let's just say I'm pretending the target is my ex." You told him looking to the shot up target, several holes through his manhood. "I wouldn't like to be him." Bucky turned back to his target. "No you wouldn't." You said to him picking up the gun again. "I'm (Y/N)." You said to him looking at him again. "Bucky."


"You know I go to this paintball range, the manager lets me use it when it's empty, you should come along." You suggested to Bucky as you placed your gun back. You never planed on meeting like this but it was nice when you did, you would both chat for a while whilst you shot at targets. You got to know one another although he never asked for your number. You were going to have to make the first move. "Really?" Bucky asked you placing his gun back. "Yeah, it's fun." You exclaimed. "I can see when I'm available." Bucky mumbled out suddenly sounding nervous. You grabbed the pen from the sign in sheet and wrote your number on his hand. "Let me know." You smiled at him walking out of the room.

"So, who's that?" Steve asked startling Bucky. "Jesus Steve give me warning, how long have you been there?" Bucky asked going over to his friend. "A while." Steve smiled. "And you didn't answer my question." He added. "A friend Steve." Bucky told him checking away the gun. "Sounded like a date." Steve words lingered in the room. "Just friends Steve."


"Come on Barnes where are you?" You mumbled out hiding behind some barrels. You looked through the sniper rifle and a glimpse of metal caught your eye. You moved to the bunker where there was hole that you may or may not have made was. You peeked through it and saw him. "Bingo." You whispered pulling the trigger and shooting him in the chest. "Dammit!" Bucky mumbled looking at the yellow paint splattered on his chest. "This was a bad idea." He said as you came into view and you giggled. "Just cause you're loosing." You said and he shot you in the chest, twice. "Sorry what was that? I'm what?" He asked you smirking. "A cheat." You exclaimed and shot him again. It became a war of blue and yellow paint and laughter. "Fine fine I surrender." You stood up in the middle of the paintball battlefield with your hand in the air. Bucky laughed and came into view. "Say I won." Bucky teased pointing the gun. "I'd say it was a draw." You smirked walking closer to him. "Let's count will we?" Bucky asked. "I'm basically a smurf." You laughed looking down at your overall. "A what?" Bucky looked puzzled. "You know, little blue things." You held out your hands explaining little. "Like real life things?" Bucky asked and you let out a laugh. "No, no it's a film." You told him. "A good one?" Bucky questioned. "I mean it's a kids one, so it's good, fun." You told him stepping closer to him. "Maybe you could show me it?" Bucky asked you as you got closer. "Sure." You smiled at him. "Great." Bucky chirped. "Come on, it's getting late." You told him as you reached the end of the gun. "I guess you won." You told him and he smirked. "Well maybe next time you will." He smiled lowering the paintball gun. "Defiantly."

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