Clint's Sister - Bucky

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You were Clint Barton aka Hawyeye's little sister. You were smart, funny and defiantly a people person. Clint had asked you to come to the tower today, and you happily agreed, you loved spending time there. In fact you've spent so much time there you might as well have your own room. You like to hang out with all the Avenger, train with them, just so they're not alone. You knows what it's like to be alone. It's dangerous. They all love you, just having someone different it good for them all. You likes been needed. It's calming for you.

"Clint? Clint!" You shouted as you got to the correct floor of the tower. "Mr Barton is not back yet." FRIDAY'S voice said to you whilst you placed your bag down on the coffee table. "Thank you FRIDAY." You replied, looking about. What was that? You thought. Who is that? You thought as you noticed someone, knees in their chest, sitting in the corner. You slowly went over. "Hi, are you okay?" You asked the man on the floor, crouching down. "Go away, I might hurt you." The male said, squeezing his eyes shut as if he was in pain, as if it would make it all go away. "Now why would you do that, you are Bucky right?" You asked him putting your hand out. He looked at it coldly. "I'm Clint's little sister, (Y/N), but call me (Y/N/N)." You said looking him in his eyes. They were a greyish blue, cold looking, lost looking. "Come on, the floor is not very comfy, how bout we sit on the couch yeah?" You asked him, your hand still extended out. He reluctantly took it, and you helped him up. He was big, tall and muscular, like Steve but you think bigger, although you would not tell Steve that. Clint has told you about him, he's broken, damaged, afraid. When you got to the sofa you had a message from Clint.

Sorry (Y/N/N), going to be about an hour late, extraction took longer than we thought, but we're all good, everyone is alright, you at the tower yet? Xx

You smiled, glad everyone was okay, and that he actually told you that he was okay. He usually hated to tell you if he was okay, he didn't like to worry you although you would always worry about him.

Thats okay, I'm at the tower, didn't sleep well last night so I might take a nap xx

You didn't bother telling him about Bucky, that's his choice. "Is it okay if I sit with you, the team aren't going to be back for an hour?" You asked bucky, looking at him. His eyes were vacant, he was looking ahead. "If you want, but I'm dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt." He said to you, still looking forward. "I don't think you are." You said to him, sliding closer and putting your hand on his. He tensed under your soft touch but didn't move. "I don't think you're dangerous." You added, trying to calm him down. He seemed tense and frightened.


It was early still, only 9:21, you hadn't slept well last night, images of your ex were flooding in your mind, you were terrified. Every time you shut your eyes you saw his face, felt the pain, the bruises, the beatings. It was horrible. But something has changed, right here, right now, in this moment, you felt safe.

"Can I ask, Bucky?" You asked him, turning to look at him. He didn't reply. It's like pulling teeth with him. He didn't even react, as if he hadn't heard you. "Why were you upset?" You added, before he could say no to your earlier request. "I had a nightmare." He said, finally looking at you, his eyes getting more blue by the minute.

Bucky finally turned to look at you, to see your judgemental face, but it wasn't, it was soft, and kind and beautiful. He's heard Clint talk about his sister, but Bucky never imagined you as anything else other than that, a sister. They all talked about you and Bucky thought you seemed amazing. Steve spoke of you too as if you were his sister too, he was protective but grateful for you. You helped when he was upset or frightened. You were there when Bucky was not.

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