Jogger - Clint

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You were on your daily jog when a crying girl caught your attention. You took out your earphones and looked about, no one was paying attention to her.

"Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" You crouched down in front of her. "I've lost my daddy." She cried out to you. "Okay, you wanna tell me how?" You asked her, looking about for someone looking for a child but spotting no one. "We were getting ice cream and I saw a doggy and I wanted to pet it. Then I couldn't find daddy." She cried and got even more upset. "Okay, I'll help you find him." You told her as she wiped her tears. "What's your name?" You asked. "Lila." She told you.

"Okay Lila, I'm (Y/N)." You held out your hand and she took it. "Where did you come from? Where was the ice cream?" You asked her as you stood up. "Over there." She pointed to the direction. "So Lila, do you have any brothers or sisters?" You asked her to keep her occupied. "I have a big brother and a baby brother." She informed you. "I have a big brother too but he's annoying sometimes." You told her and she giggled slightly.

"So how old are you Lila?" You asked. "I'm 6."
"Let go of the girl and you won't be hurt." A man spoke, a bow and arrow pointed at you. You held up your hands in defense, your grip slipping from Lila's. "Daddy no, she helped me!" Lila shouted at the man and he lowered his bow and arrow as she ran over to him. "I'm so sorry darling, I'll never lose you again." The man kissed the top off her head and you still held your hands up. You were a little shocked, you didn't know Hawkeye had kids. "I'm sorry, you can relax." He mentioned to you and you dropped your hands down. "I should be thanking you not threatening you." He stood up as he picked up Lila.

"It's fine, not going to leave a crying kid in the park." You shrugged as you walked towards them both. "Thank you, so much. I don't know what I would have done." He admitted letting out a sigh off a relief. "I guess point an arrow at everyone until you found her." You joked. "Anyway I better be going, Lila, no petting doggies without asking.." your voice trailed as you didn't know his real name. "Clint."

"I won't." She clung onto her dad. "Okay, nice meeting you both." You smiled at them both and put back in your earphones and continued on your jog.

***2 days later***

"Daddy look, it's the lady you thought was pretty again." Lila pointed over at you as you were walking with your dog, grabbing your attention. "Lila shush." Clint shushed her but it was too late, you already heard.

"Hello again." You piped up and Clint's face went red. "Ooh, can I pet your doggy?" Lila asked as she looked at your goldendoodle. "Of course, his name is Max." You told her and she began playing with him. "I'm glad I ran into you again, I'd like to thank you properly," Clint confessed. "You really don't have too." You declined but were happy to see him again. "Well, I'd like to take you out for dinner? If you'd like that?" He questioned. "You know, I would like that." You admitted as you looked down to Lila and Max. "Great, I can text you with a time and place." Clint held out his phone and you took it, adding your number to the contacts.

"Sounds good." You gave him a smile. "Right come on Lila, we better get back so we're not late for your mother picking you up." Clint caught Lila's attention. "I look forward to dinner."
"Max, come on Max don't do this to me." You held onto the dress you were planning to put on as your dog playfully - in his eyes - tugged at it. "Drop it. Drop it." You demanded in a stern voice but he still never let it go. The buzzer from the main door went and you jumped up. You went to it, seeing Clint's face on the screen you smiled.

"I'll buzz you up, the door will be unlocked." You told him as you unlocked both doors. "Thank you."

You rushed to your room, finding an alternative dress to throw on, finding a similar one you shoved it on in time for Clint to knock on the door. You straightened yourself out before exiting your room. "Hi." You smiled as you saw him petting Max, your black dress in hand. "Hi. I think this is yours." Clint stood up, handing you the dress and taking a moment to admire you.

"Max was being very stubborn and wouldn't give it up so I had to change." You informed him as you threw the dress into your room. "Well, you look very lovely anyway." Clint looked you up and down again, not being able to be subtle at all. "Thank you, you clean up very well yourself." You complimented his simple yet smart look. "So, ready to go?" He questioned. "Yes."
"Thank you for a lovely evening, and for walking me home." You thanked Clint as you got to your building, fumbling for your keys in your bag. "I hope we can do it again." He asked. "I'd like that." You assured him. "Goodnight Clint." You leaned in from the step you were on, placing a kiss on Clint's lips. "Goodnight."

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