Chapter 6: the meeting

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Written in James's perspective

I woke up the sun streaming through my window. My muscles ached from all the training I have

been doing and also training Elizabeth. I got up and went to get changed. Once I was in clothes I

made my bed. My maid and I didn't get along that well so I did my basic chores. As I was making

my bed I noticed a letter at the end of my bed. I pick it up and opened it. It read, Dear James, I

need you to meet me at the Diner outside of town. You must not inform anyone or your little

girlfriend Elizabeth might accidentally die. Come by 11 or else. I sat down on my bed and put my

head in my hands. They will kill Elizabeth if I don't go. I have to go. I look at my clock and it reads

9:00 that gives me an hour before I will have to leave. My decision was made as soon as they

threatened Elizabeth. I had to go. I felt sick. A war has been declared and now I get this letter.

I sit there for the whole hour. Once it is 10:00 o'clock I go downstairs and out to the back. We have

two horses. I get one of them ready. Her name is Lucy. Her coat is pure white and her main flows

like a river. I saddle her up and off I go. I love riding. The wind whips around me as I ride as fast as

I can out if town.

I finally get to the diner. I put Lucy in a stable and walk in. I look around at all the faces to try and

see if I can spot anyone who looks like they might write a threatening letter. Everyone looks the

same. They all have straight faces showing no emotions and giving me no notification of who might

have written the letter. A man starts walking to me. Once in front of me he says " you must be

James?" I nod thinking he must be it. He is averaged hight and looks around late 30's. He has

brown hair and brown eyes. " come sit down," he says to me. I follow him to a table where we sot

down. After a moment of silence he finally speaks. " James i have to tell you something." I just

laugh. " you really think I would come all the way here if I didn't know someone wanted to tell me

something," I reply. He just shakes his head. " James my name is Marcus wright and i am your

uncle," he says. I looked shocked. This can't be happening my dad was an only child. " it's not true.

My dad was an only child," I say still shocked. He shakes his head.

" so I was right he never mentioned me. Look james I know this is hard to believe but please trust

me," he says. I look into his eyes. They show innocents and truth. I sigh. " ok but one thing. Why

did you threaten Elizabeth?" I ask remembering the letter. He sighed and looked down. " because it

was the only way to get you to come," he says. I smile. We chat for a bit longer until I realise the

time. " I must go. Will I see you again?" I ask. He smiles and says," of course just please don't tell

you farther of mother yet." I consider this. It is a big thing to ask. They will want to know where I

was all day but he is my uncle. " ok," I say. We say our goodbyes and plan to meet here at the same

time. I walk outside and grab Lucy. We start to ride back to town. The wind whipped through the

hair and once again I felt complete freedom. I soon got home and went up to my bedroom to think

about everything that has happened. I fall asleep at some point.

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