Chapter 12: The punishmnet

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The morning sun shone through Elizabeth's window as she rolled over. She felt sick again but this

time she knew the reason. The sun told her that once again she had slept in. She slowly got up

trying not to throw up. She went down stairs taking her time. When she reach the bottom the smell

of food hit her and she couldn't keep it in she ran back up to her room and vomited into the bucket

sitting beside her bed. She sat there and tried to slow her breathing. Lily walks in after obviously

hearing her. She smiles a little. " What are we going to do about you know?" She asked a little

jokingly. Elizabeth smiled a small smile. " Believe me I wish I knew." Lily walked over and sat

down next to her. Elizabeth put her head on Lily's shoulder and they sat like that until the morning

sickness ended.

Elizabeth was sitting in the living room taking it easy like her mother order her to. She watch the

flames in the fire place as they flicker around. She was thinking of what her life would be like when

she had the baby. The sound of a knock on the door brought her back to reality. She heard lily

answer the door and the soft mummers of talking. The mummers got louder and she could her the

familiar voice that would once have been a comfort but for her have now have become the voice of

someone she disliked very much. She got up and walked to the door. There he stood her mother

mid sentence and by the looks of it mid way through yelling at him. He looks at her and says," ah

Elizabeth you owe me your time as you still haven't been punished." Elizabeth nearly chokes. With

everything that had been going on she completely forgot. She tries to think of an excuse. If she was

punished the baby could get hurt but she didn't want him to find out about it. " I can't. I haven't

been feeling well lately and if you had any respect for women Mr Hilt you should come back

another day," I say trying my best to sound convincing. It was sort of true but not completely. He

just shakes his head. " Nice try Miss Carter but law is law so you must come with me." Elizabeth

bites her lip. She looks to her mother who is obviously trying to come up with an explanation as

well. Elizabeth sighs. She knew what she had to do she just hoped he didn't go telling James. " I

can't go because.......because I am with a child," She manages to get out. He looks started for

moment but pulls himself together quickly. " Ah is see and does Mr wright know about this?" He

asks cruelly.

" No so it would be good if you kept out of it and didn't tell him," Elizabeth says getting angry. Mr

hilt just shrugs. " Ok ok but you are still being punished." He grabs Elizabeth and storms out of

there house. " You can't do this. She is still so young please don't do this to her," he mothers voice

rang after them. Elizabeth tried to stay strong but she was scared for her and the baby. The journey

to the hall was short but terrible. The eyes of the people in the town trailed after her and Mr Hilt.

She stayed quiet not even bothering trying to talk to him. They reached the hall and Elizabeth was

marched inside. Mr hilt led her to a room that was empty. She was left alone in the room for a few

minutes. They were terribly long and Elizabeth was frightened but trying not to show it. She sat in

the corner with her hand over her stomach as trying to protect it. Mr Hilt finally walked in and

behind him stood three other men. One of them carried a whip in his hand and Elizabeth tried to

back away into the corner even more. " please no," she begged but Mr Hilt just ignored her. She felt

scared and she whimper as he came closer. Two of the guards came over to her and held her arms

out at each side. She could hear the approaching feet of the guard with the whip. She felt her whole

body shake as she waited for the oncoming pain. The whip came down hard on her and she let out

a loud scream. Tears ran down her face as whip after whip came. After what felt like forever they

left. She was left in the room whimpering. Her face was stained with tears and her dress was

ripped. He back was all bloody and stung like nothing she had ever felt before. The pain subsided

enough for her to get up. She made her way home going around the town so she didn't run into

anyone. She reached her house and stumbled in. Everyone sat there waiting for her to arrive. Her

mother took one look at her and was by her side. A second later so was lily and her dad. The helped

her to her bedroom. They didn't ask any question as the answer was obvious. Her dad got a cold

cloth and put it on her back. Her mother left and she was to hysterical. Lily went after her leaving

just Elizabeth and her father. Her father was trying to be strong but he soon broke. The tears ran

down his face as he looked at his daughter who lay in her bed with her back and red and with a

baby in her stomach. " I love you darling. I will always love you no matter what and Mr Hilt is

going to pay for this," he says getting protective of his daughter. Elizabeth smiles. " No matter what

you will always be my favourite guy. I will always love you the most," the words just made it out

before Elizabeth feel into darkness.

She woke for a few seconds and registered that James was beside her. She was going to say

something but she once again fell into darkness. This happen several times always with someone

different there.

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