Chapter 13: The recovery

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The dizziness overwhelmed Elizabeth as she tried to get up. She could her voices downstairs and

she was interested to see what they were taking about. The pain in her back had subsided but the

morning sickness was as worse as ever. She made her way downstairs keeping in the little food in

her stomach. She reached the bottom as the voices become more clear. " this is ridiculous at this

rate we will be at war with each other," the voice of her father says. A voice she did not recognise

replied with," The war is coming any day now and if that Mr Hilt doesn't stop worrying about

young children then we will all die." She decides to walk in as she was interested in who and what

they were taking about. She walked into the living room and saw her mother, father, James, his

parents and the man who must of been James' uncle. They look up at her. Her mother smiles. " oh

thank god you are up. How are you feeling?" Elizabeth smiles at the usual worry of her mother. It

was nice having something still the same in her life. " I'm fine. I just feel a little sick," she says

avoiding the fact that the sickness was caused by the baby which James did not know about yet.

Her mother nodded understanding. James looked at her and a there was a sense of sadness to hid

face. " What is wrong?" She asks remembering the conversation she had overhead just seconds

ago. Her mother becomes sad and she realises it is serious. " What is it? What has happened?" She

asks becoming scared. Her father is the once to speak up," Mr Hilt has ordered that if you are seen

trying that you will be arrested and that the penalty will be......... Death." Elizabeth's feet give way

and she falls to the ground. Tears run down her face as she realises her big this actually is. " I...... I

have to fight. There is no way I am not," she manages to say. Her mother runs to her and kneels

beside her. " We knew you would say that which is why you will continue to continue in our

backyard just like normal where no one will be able to see you." Elizabeth just nods. She knew that

with the baby and everything she probably shouldn't but she couldn't leave James. " So shall we

start training," she asks getting a little enthusiastic about it. Her father sighs. " Elizabeth you just

woke up after being whipped and you are in no condition to train," he says but no matter what is

said Elizabeth knows she will be training today. " Father I am fine and we may not have many

more days left," she says the truth. Her father just gives her the look of fine but don't forgot I

warned you. She turned to James and smiles. " Shall we begin." He looks a little sad. " Elizabeth I

really don't think you should," he tries to convince her to not. Elizabeth just stands up and walks

out knowing that he will follow.

The sun shines brightly down on Elizabeth as she blocks the oncoming strike. The sound of metal

against metal rings in her ears as she fights James. She strikes at him but he blocks it with a quick

swish of his sword. She then fakes a strike which distracts him for a second in which Elizabeth hits

his sword out of his hand. She points hers at his heart and he outs his hands up as if he is

surrendering. She laughs and says," And who says girls shouldn't fight." James laughs and looks

rather impressed. " Good job," he manages to get out through his heavy breaths. Elizabeth smiles

at the victory that is at her hand. She drops her sword and says," ready for a second round." James

looks shocked. " Um no thank you I think I will save my breath for a second." Elizabeth laughs and

sits in the soft green grass. James sits beside her and he grabs her hand. She looks into the deep

brown eyes that are everything to her. " I'm scared," she says to him as it is something that has

been playing on her mind for a while now. James sighs. " So am I. This world we live in it's

frightening and some things are. We have to spend the time that we have though not worrying

about those sort of things but instead concentrating on the good things." His words hit Elizabeth

hard as realises that he is right. She has spent the last few days worrying about everything that she

has forgot to look at what she has and how lucky she is. She sits there in the green grass with

James' hand in hers and for the first time in ages she actually realises how lucky she is and it feels



Sorry for the short chapter. Hopefully the next one will be longer. Thank you for all the reads and keep voting for my story.

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