Chapter 17: The death

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The rain was soaking the blood stained ground as James looked out the window. He then turned

his attention back inside where he stood there looking over at a semi conches Elizabeth. He smiled

at her beauty. Her eyes stayed on his as she tried to focus on everything. " I thought I was going to

die," she whispers. James runs to her side and begins to cry. " As did I." James held Elizabeth's

hand as she slowly recovered. The town was beginning to recover as family's slowly piled in to see

if their loved ones where alive. James looks up at the sound of approaching feet and see his family

and two maids standing their. He runs and hugs everyone one of them. His mum looks to

Elizabeth who is sleeping peacefully. " Is she ok," his mum asks nervously. He nods. " Yes she is

just sleeping." They all go and sit down and them James's mum and dads face turn serious. He

looks at them suspiciously and asks," What is wrong?" They exchanged nervous glances before

saying," We were attacked whole leaving the town. We do not know what happened to Elizabeth's

parents. We searched for them but the group was split and we have not seen them." James quickly

looks to Elizabeth who is still dreaming peacefully as though nothing is happening. He sits next to

her and kisses her hand softly. " I guess we will just have to wait," He finally says.

The rain was heavy on the roof when Elizabeth woke. James lay at her side fast asleep, his hand in

hers. His parents were lying asleep in her room as well. Her eyes scanned the room but her parents

were not there. Her heart sunk as she thought that maybe the worst had happened. The sky outside

indicated that it was the middle of the night. She tried to get up but was immediately struck with

the pain from her stomach. It made her feel sick as she thingy she was going to throw up but she

managed to keep it down. She looked out the window and the twinkling stairs that brought light in

the darkest times. She watched them as she slowly drifted back into sleep.

The sound of soft talking woke Elizabeth. The first thing she notice was the sun shining on her. The

warmth filled her up and made her feel slightly better. James looked over at her and said," Hello

sleepyhead." Elizabeth smiled. James walked over to her and sat on the side of her bed. " how do

you feel?" He asked her concerned. She thought about the question for a while before reply with," I

am not sure. My stomach feels like it's on fire." Then a thought occurs to her and brings tears to

her eyes. She looks down at her stomach which shows a long gash right across her stomach. " The

baby. I......l I think it's died," she manages to get out as she starts to cry. James cringes and stands

up. He walks over to the window and looks out at the sky that is to sunny for such a sad day. James

starts to cry but quickly recovers. He turns to Elizabeth. " We will be a proper family remember.

One day we will have a child of our own." Elizabeth nods but still feels sad. A doctor comes into the

room to check on her. The doctor confirms that the baby is dead which leads to more tears from


The day was beginning to end when the footsteps interrupted Elizabeth's thoughts. She looked up

to find three familiar faces looking at her but there was one missing. The tears on her mothers face

said it all. Elizabeth shock her head. " No no no where is he. He is here isn't he," she says trying not

to believe them. He mothers just shakes her head and runs to her side. "I'm so sorry Elizbaeth. We

were attacked and he protected the others. He risked his life for the town. He died a noble death at

least." the news just doesn't sink in probably. Elizabeth couldn't face two deaths in one day. " My

own father died. I lost my baby, my own child and know I lose my father. This isn't fair what has

happened. This world has become to cruel," She says. James is standing at the window. He stands

looking at the love of his life lose her own father. Every girl needs her father but Elizabeth just lost

hers and it killed James. " We tried everything but it was to late he died a quick painless death,"

Her mother tries to comfort he. What is painless though. She knows that even if it was only a short

time that the pain of death would have hurt her father and that no matter what death is always

painful. When your a second away from death you think of your family and how you will never see

them again and how you won't get to see your children grow up and you will bender meet your

grandchildren. Death isn't always physically painful but it is always mentally painful. Death tears

you apart. That's the truth and Elizabeth knew that, she knew that her father would have felt the

pain of never seeing her again and that was hard enough.

******************************************************************************************** hi guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been busy. Sorry for the sad chapter 😭 please vote!!!!! Thanks for all the reads ❤️

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