Chapter 10: the unexpected normal day

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The light was streaming into Elizabeth's room when lily woke her up. She rolled over and sighed.

She was exhausted as she has been stressing and doing things for days. She got up as her usual

morning routine started. " How are you?" Lily asks her. Elizabeth thinks about this for a second

and replies. " I am actually alright. For now everything is good. James is not in jail nothing bad is

happening apart from the fact that war could brake out at any point." She say generally meaning it.

Lily smiles. " I like it when your happy," she says as she looks at Elizabeth. Elizabeth actually

smiles back. She had not smiled in days and it felt good. Lily finished doing her hair and slow argh

stood. She hugged lily. Lily looks surprised but hugs her back. " Lily you mean the world to me.

You are my family. You know that right ?" Elizabeth who sires to her. A tear rolls down Lily's

face. " Thank you miss," she replies as they hug.

Elizabeth was is a happy mood all morning. Her parents had to go to a town meeting again and lily

was going to be out all day running errands. Elizabeth went upstairs to the library where she

picked up her book and sat in her favourite chair like she had done so many times before. The day

was sunning and the sun shone on her as she sat there reading. She was half way through a chapter

when someone knocked on the door. She sighed as she put her book down. She hated having to

stop reading half way throng a chapter. She went down stairs and opened the doors. James stood

there holding a rose. He smiled when she appeared at the door. " James what are you doing here?"

Elizabeth asked surprised. He walks in not even waiting to be invited in. " well there are a few

reasons. One I didn't say a proper thank you for everything yesterday so I brought this," he says as

he hands her the rose. She takes it a smells it. She smiles as he goes on. " two I love you and three I

couldn't stand being away from you." Elizabeth laughs and says back jokingly," am I that

irresistible." James does that half smirk thing that made Elizabeth's heart melt. " You have no

idea," James says as he kisses her. The kiss starts off slow but then becomes desperate. Elizabeth

trails her hands down James's back and up his shirt. He let out a low sigh. He pick her up and

carried her to her room. He laid her down on her bed and laid down on top of her.

Elizabeth rolled over and laid her head on James's chest. " I love you," she says. Three simple

words but they meant everything to James and described exactly what Elizabeth was feeling.

James smiled. " Elizabeth Carter you are my world. You are my everything and i love you so much I

can't describe it," James says lovingly to Elizabeth. Elizabeth gives him a little peck on the lips. She

gets up and gets into her pants and top not being able to be bothered having to get her corset and

dress on. " You know where to find me," Elizabeth says as she walks out. She walks back into the

library and sits down on her chair. She can't stop smiling. She knew James was the one for her. She

had never felt anything so strong for one person. She licks her book up and finishes the chapter

that she was reading before. A few minutes later James walks in looking as cute as ever. Elizabeth

finds her self staring at him as he notices. " What? Am I that irresistible," he says mimicking what

Elizabeth had said early that morning. She laughs. " you are pretty handsome." He comes over and

sits on the other side of the chair. They sit like that for a while. Elizabeth reading and James just

watching her. Studying the way her lips would move as she mouthed words as though she was

reading out loud. The thing that broke them from this was the sound of the door and the mumble

of talking downstairs. Elizabeth looked up and realised her parents must be home. She looks

outside and realises the sun setting. She then looks to James and they laugh. They had been sitting

there for hours and they didn't even realise. Elizabeth's mother walks in and smiles at them. " Did

you do some training today?" She asks. Elizabeth is confided until she realises she is wearing her

training clothes. " Oh yeah we did a bit of practice today," she says as her face turns red. Elizabeth's

mother just gives her a funny look and walks out. James looks at her. " You couldn't be anymore

obvious could you," he says to her jokingly. She raises her eyebrows. " At least I said something I

could of completely lost all traces of words and had a mental blank." He laughs. " Good point. They

go downstairs and out for a walk. They hold hands as they walk the streets. The moon was begging

to rise creating a soft glow. Elizabeth found it very romantic. They walk around the lake. The

moon creating patterns on the smooth and unmoving surface.

They walk for an hour or so and then head home. Once they reach Elizabeth's door James gives

Elizabeth a little peck on the check. " I had a really nice day today," Elizabeth tells him. He smiles.

" As did I." He kisses her once more and begins his journey home. Elizabeth walks into her house

where the immediate warmth hits her. It had cooled right down outside and she was pretty cold.

She walk inside as dinner was being served. She ate dinner taking happily with her family. Once

dinner was over they sat by the fire and just sat in silence. That night when Elizabeth went to sleep

she felt on top of the world. Her life felt perfect as with that being said she drifted into a dreamless

and peaceful sleep.

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