Lost again

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(IM SO SO  SO SORRY, I KEEP DOING THIS. I honestly don't mean to leave updates so long, I generally just lose track of days and end up just being so focused on one thing. but here it is.)

the funeral for tula was held back in atlantes, I wanted to go but I felt that I would just create a scene if I went alone. We made a tribute to her, a statue of her which when into a cave that was for out fallen heroes. I didn't like the fact that this is all you got, putting your life on the line, protect the earth and all you get is a statue that no one except the team would see.

I stood the in front of the statue of tula, I cried "im so sorry tula. You were a such good friend... I... I cant believe y-you gone" I looked away. I had went over with dick what happened since he had to fill in the papers, I was told how she gave herself up to save everyone. The worst of it, kalder hasn't been seen in a few days, this will be hard on him, I know that better than anyone.

I looked over to another statue, its was jason's, ever though he wasn'ts on the team, they made one for him. I walked over to it as I smiled a little "hey jay... its me, Ashley. It been a while since I last came here... I miss you." I said as I looked up to him. I blew a kiss as I turned around

Before I started to cry about him again. I saw tim standing there with dick as they gave sad smiles "*sniff * h-hey guys" I said as whipped my tears away, I didn't want to make them feel awkward.

They came towards me and took me into a hug "its okay ash" dick said, I placed my head on their shoulders. They held me knowing I needed them right now, no worlds, just them. They hushed me as I began to cry "it'll be okay, we can get through this" tim said, I looked to him as I smiled to him "t-thanks tim... w-where's kalder, he n-needs someone." I said as I pushed away trying to get past "he doesn't want to see anyone ash, he's made it clear" dick said as he held on my arm.

I looked to him "that was me remember... I know what he is going through." I tried to get out his grip but he wouldn't let go "Ashley, stop this. You just need to let him morn over tula right now, give him time" tim said as he came in front of me. I calmed down and felt dick let my arm go "okay..." was all I said as I walked out, I wanted to go home. As I walked to the zata tube, tim caught up and walked with me, he didnt speak to me so we walked in silence.


I soon as I got home I went straight to my room, where I remained until now. All I was doing was crying and almost being sick from my crying. I sat at my window as looked out to the city, I stopped cry a while ago but I was sniffing. I hated this, back to crying my eye out, filling totally lose and at fault, even thought I already went through a lose, it doesn't get easier.

Suddenly I heard sirens going off, police cars somewhere out there, someone's probably being hurt, robbed, killed. Rage filled my body as I thought of people who ruin lives from their own selfish reasons "scum" I stood up as I went to my closet and took out a back up costume, it was like my green suit but this one was black and didn't have a set of goggles "fuck it" was all I said as I got changed.

I didnt bother to tell anyone I was going out, since I went out my window and took dicks motorbike. I went as fast this thing could until I found a lace to hide the bike, once that was done it then went to take my anger out on a scum bag who was doing wrong.

(OH SHES GONE MAD, WHATS GONNA HAPPEN.... even I don't know yet haha)






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