Always Welcome

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(hello my wonderbirds, so I was watching lets plays of arkham knight and I really like that ending but I'm in love with the batman under the red hood story. what your thoughts, which one do you guys like?)

I went to get changed into my outfit but I just decided to wear all black and a pair of gloves. I walked out and dick looked confused "that's new" I shrugged as i walked towards him "its just for the now" he nodded as he walked to the zayta tube, he pressed in a the location, it opened up the portal, me being a little excited I walked a little faster which made dick move to catch up to me.

We walked out to see the briefing area which was empty, we walked to the controls to see new missions popping up "well, you guys will be busy" I giggled as I patted dicks back, he smirk as he got to work but I went to find the others.

I didn't walk long before I found the team in the lounge / kitchen area. I decided to wait to see how long it would be before they saw me. M'gann and a girl who I didnt know were in the kitchen while wally, kalder and conner were standing in the open area, talking. I leaned on the door way and waited.

Of course wally was the first to notice me standing there "ASHLEY" he shouted before zoning towards me, he stopped to look at me with his smile "you're here" I smiled as I hugged him "yeah, its been long" I giggled but he pulled away "Wayyy to long" he laughed. By now everyone saw and was heading to me, next to hug me was m'gann "Ashley, you're back" she flouted towards me and hugged me as she landed. I hugged back "yeah, its only a visit" I made that clear.

I looked to conner who seemed a little more distant, he looked to me and gave me a nodd but that was it. Next kalder came up to me "it is good to see you again, my friend" he hugged me, I nodded before pulling back and looking to the girl "you're new. I'm Ashley Oakley" I said to the new girl, she smiled at me and put out her hand "hello, i'm tula. Its nice to meet you" she said, thats when I realised it, I smiled before looking to everyone "you too tula ... sooo, what're you guys doing today?" I asked.

They all looked at each other and shrugged "i don't know about these guys but im going to have to split, sorry Artemis wants me home on time" wally said as he stood next to me "oh well, better not be late or she'll make you regret it" I teased making wally smile "yeah, sorry I cant stay long. HEY you should come over to our place at some point, okay" he said as he hugged me goodbye "deal!" I shouted to him and off he went.

I turned to see the rest "well Ashley, me and tula are making up some brownies if you want to join?" m'gann offered, I smiled as I nodded "that'll be great" I went to walk but then I remembered tula "oh Ill be there in a second" m'gann nodded as her and tula went off.

Once they were a safe distance I turned to kalder "so... tula joined the team?" I folded my arms, kalder sighed as he looked to tula and then to me "yes, she has completed her training and with me being leader of the team. My king needed a new partner" his pale eyes seemed to tell a completely different story, he clearly was still not over her "you okay with that?" I placed my hand on his shoulder "yes, thank you for your concern. Now what about you, are you alright?" my hand cam eaway from him as I crossed my arms " not to sure myself".

It was awkward from there but kalder seemed to understand "you know you are welcome here at any time" he re insured me, I nodded "it was nice seeing you kalder" I stepped away and headed towards the kitchen.

Hurts Like Hell Jason (Todd / Red Hood x oc)Where stories live. Discover now