chapter three

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     FIVE PAIRS OF BOOTS pounded against the dirt not caring for a certain path or direction, only caring for getting as far away from that river as possible

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     FIVE PAIRS OF BOOTS pounded against the dirt not caring for a certain path or direction, only caring for getting as far away from that river as possible. They weaved in between trees and up and around ditches, their heavy breathing being the only thing each of them could hear.

     Monty tripped and fell flat on the ground, Finn and Octavia trying to pull him up. "Come on!" Octavia hurried as she pulled his arm up.

     "We gotta go!" Finn rushed out, doing the same as Octavia. Taylor's blood ran cold when she saw the old, rotting bones that Monty had tripped in front of. He had certainly noticed them himself as his eyes were as wide as saucers.

     "Who are they?" Finn breathed, his brows furrowed in confusion. Confusion seemed to be mainly what he was feeling, his expressions not showing the intense fear that Taylor was feeling. Clarke knelt down beside Taylor and picked up a skull, straightening herself up and showing it to the rest of the group.

     "What are they?" she questioned. The skull was oddly misshapen and looking nothing like a normal skull. Images that Taylor forever wished had never even graced her mind to begin with flashed before her eyes; images of mutilated, bloodthirsty people who weren't keen on the idea of them being there.

     "We are so screwed," Octavia let out, her face contorted in pure panic.

     "Look, I don't care! We need to get far away from here now," Taylor rushed out, already backing away from the unsettling pile of bones that made her heart beat so fast it felt like it would spring from her chest.

     An echoing scream rang out in the forest, everyone's eyes widening at the sound. "Jasper. He's alive!" Clarke exclaimed before taking off in the direction they had just been running from.

     "Clarke, wait! Wait!" Finn called out, the rest of the group following her lead. They pushed their way through some bushes before they caught up to Clarke. "Wait. Stay out of the trees."

     They all crouched down and the panic that she had felt invade her on the dropship was returning, the panic that she detested experiencing. The spot where Jasper had been impaled was empty, no trace of him ever having been there.

     "He was right there," Finn uttered. The eeriness of the situation had intensified greatly. There was no way Jasper could have gotten up by himself and that scream had said it all. There was only one valid explanation.

     "They took him," Clarke finalized in horror, her eyes still glued to the spot where Jasper no longer was. Taylor took a deep breath and tried to push away every panicked thought she was having.

     "We need to go back. We can come back here, but right now, going after him isn't the smart choice," she explained quietly, trying to figure out some kind of plan that wouldn't get them killed by the mysterious people who still inhabited the planet.

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