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RADIO SILENCE. Ever since the dropship that backfired had landed, the Ark had gone completely silent on the radio. And now as she stared at it, she couldn't help but feel immeasurable guilt that she had never taken the opportunity to contact her mother one last time. They had concluded that they had finally run out of air. That no one would be coming down to help them.
The Grounders had been their own kind of silent as well. After the bridge had blown, they had not arrived at their doorstep as they had planned. Taylor was unsure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. It seemed as though things were almost too quiet and it was too good to be true that they had actually scared the Grounders into staying away.
Tearing her eyes away from the eerily quiet radio, she stood up abruptly and sped out of the dropship into the fresh air of the bustling camp. Eventually she made it to Raven's tent, where Taylor decided she might need a little help in crafting bullets. Even if she didn't, she needed to do anything that would take her mind off of things.
When she pushed aside the flap to the tent and ducked in, she almost barreled directly into Finn, who was exchanging a strange glance with Raven. The two fell silent the moment she had entered the tent and all three glanced between each other for one of the longest uncomfortable silences she was sure she had ever been a part of.
"I think I'm interrupting something, so I'll just, uh, come back later," Taylor rushed out quietly, taking a few wobbly steps backward, swatting her hand behind her in order to find the exit of the tent.
Raven opened her mouth to say something, but it was quickly interrupted by a loud crash and someone yelling out, "FIRE!".
Taylor, Raven, and Finn gave each other quick looks before hurrying outside. What they were greeted with was less than what the group could have remotely hoped for at the given time. A raging fire swallowed the smokehouse whole, illuminating the faces of all who looked at it in shock. Octavia and Murphy stumbled out, coughing before they hit the ground just feet in front of the blazing building.
"This is all your fault! I told you it was too much wood!" Murphy shouted at a boy that stood just in front of the structure, shoving him roughly in the chest. When Murphy started to throw punches at the boy, Del, is when Bellamy stepped away from Octavia and into the middle of the fight.
"Hey! Stop!" he rebuked, pushing both away from each other. "Save it for the Grounders!"
"Bell, what the hell are we gonna do?" Octavia questioned warily from her seated position in the dirt. "That was all the food."
It didn't take long for all of their food to burn to a crisp that was nothing but piles of ash in their camp. Standing next to Bellamy, it appeared as though not one morsel of meat was left from the fire. Smoke billowed up slightly from all around her, the ground still warm underneath her boots.