chapter ten

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     EXHAUSTION WAS WHAT SHE NOW ALWAYS FELT AND NOTHING ELSE, not since they had landed on the ground

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     EXHAUSTION WAS WHAT SHE NOW ALWAYS FELT AND NOTHING ELSE, not since they had landed on the ground. Her feet felt so used and she knew that they had never been like this back on the Ark. The hair on her head was greasy and it hadn't been washed in days. Bathing was somewhat of a luxury now if she even had the time to find a water source. Survival had taken priority over cleanliness.

     Her eyes now had bags under them from the lack of sleep she had been experiencing. Any time that she had attempted to fall asleep, something catastrophic happened. Her hands had been through such strain they felt much tougher, although she still felt like those were mostly the same.

     So much about her was still the same and for that she was thankful. Despite there being quite a lot that had changed, she still had a few constants. Everything had come into question after she had come to the planet, but she felt as if she was coming out of the end of a dark tunnel nevertheless.

     Taylor had fallen asleep by the fire and gotten more sleep than she had in what felt like the longest time. It didn't matter that the hard ground was what she had fallen asleep on, at least she had gotten some.

     Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was the flickering light of the fire. For once she finally felt rested and ready to do something. She squinted at the jacket that had been draped over her, knowing that it wasn't hers.

     Sitting up and letting the jacket fall onto her lap, she yawned and sat there quietly for a moment listening to the crack of the burning wood. Her tangled hair was a mess of twigs and dirt, but it wasn't bothering her as much as it probably would have before. It felt like one of the only moments of peace she had experienced since they had arrived.

     "Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy desperately asked, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. She jumped slightly at his sudden approach and shook her head.

     "Was she not in the tent?" He shook his head as his eyes darted around camp, the search for her going on constantly in his head.

     "I've checked everywhere. Clarke is going around and looking through camp again," he explained as she stood up with the jacket in her hand. Taylor was shocked that Clarke was actually helping considering the dislike she harbored for both of them. "I'm going to round up a search party."

     "I can take another group out. You go one way, we'll go another. That way we can cover more ground," she suggested. He nodded in agreement and she stopped him before they walked to the center of camp to make the announcement. She held up the jacket, noticing his absence of one. "Thanks."

     Again, he nodded. The worry that was so clear on his face seemed to be clouding every aspect of his mind. He grabbed every weapon they had on the weapons table with the tarp that lay under them and the two marched to where everyone would hear.

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