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one year ago october 1, 2148
"SHE'S GONNA LOVE this," Taylor exulted, knowing that Octavia would be shocked at what they were about to do, but also ridiculously happy. Bellamy smiled and nodded, though Taylor knew that he had his concerns about this, but maintained that she still thought it was a great idea. "Don't worry — this will go great."
They entered the Blakes' flat and Bellamy closed the door with an excited look. She knew that he was just as excited for Octavia as she was. "O, you'll never guess what's about to happen," he beamed.
A dejected look appeared on her face and she put down the needle she had been patching up the fabric in front of her with.
"Inspection. I'll get in the hole," she surrendered immediately, getting up from her seat. The routine was engraved in her mind just as well as eating or breathing.
"No, no, no, no. O, sit, sit," he rushed out, gesturing back to her seat as they took the two next to her.
"Please, Bell, Taylor, I don't want to hear about another amazing moonrise when I'm never going to be able to see one," she sighed, directing her eyes back down to the fabric.
"You're going to see one. Right now," Bellamy announced. "The Unity Day masquerade dance starts in ten minutes. Now, I didn't wanna say anything until I was sure my cadet unit was working security but..."
"They are! It's the perfect chance," Taylor gushed with a nod, Octavia's hopeful eyes filling to the brim with happiness.
"I'm going to be there watching you the entire time," he finished, handing her a mask that would cover all features that would give her away as someone unknown to the Ark.
"And I'll be there. I know it isn't as good as Cadet Blake here, but it's better to have more eyes," Taylor said in a slightly teasing tone. Octavia looked down at the mask and turned it over in her hands a few times.
"Is this real?" she questioned almost hesitantly. The two older people nodded with wide smiles, Bellamy letting out a small laugh.
"It is. Now go on," Taylor urged, pointing at the mask in Octavia's hands. She slipped it over her head eagerly and struck a dramatic pose.
"How do I look?" she asked jokingly, all of them breaking out into small laughs.
"Mysterious," Bellamy answered.
"Absolutely fantastic," Taylor added with a nod. She couldn't feel happier for Octavia, not being able to imagine what it would be like to only have been outside of one room her whole life and only for five minutes just down the hall by accident when she was five.