chapter thirty-one

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     A HARD POUNDING ON HER CHEST brought her back to consciousness, her immediate reaction to being able to breathe again was coughing up the water that had made a home in her lungs

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     A HARD POUNDING ON HER CHEST brought her back to consciousness, her immediate reaction to being able to breathe again was coughing up the water that had made a home in her lungs. A pair of hands guided her to her side, where she let the water go.

     Gasping desperately, she saw that she was lying on the edge of the large lake that the waterfalls fed into. Rocks and pebbles shuffled under her lightly, rubbing together to make a sound that she was actually extremely relieved to hear. They made it out.

     Clarke's concerned face was the next thing she rested her eyes on, her breathing still ragged but growing steadier. "Can you hear me?" she asked, putting two fingers on Taylor's neck to check her pulse.

     "Yeah, I can hear you," she confirmed, her voice barely audible as a result of the coughing she had just done. Clarke had fresh blood flowing from a cut on her head, Taylor assuming she hit her head when she fell from the waterfall.

     "Can you stand?" she went on, examining the other parts of her to see if there was any other sign of external injury.

     "I'm fine, Clarke, just —" she started, getting cut off when Anya yanked her off the ground and started to tie her hands together. "What the hell are you doing?"

Looking over at Clarke in a panic, the girl just stared at her despondently with a slight air of determination, like she had some sort of plan that would get them out of this. She jerked lightly on both of their binds, Taylor only now noticing that Clarke had her hands tied together as well.

Anya led the two of them into the forest with purpose, not saying a single word to them unless she felt it necessary. "Where are we going?" Clarke questioned, only getting pulled forward more roughly in immediate response.

"Be quiet," Anya reprimanded, eyes scanning around the wooded area suspiciously. Rightly so, Taylor had only just then begun to wonder how long it would take the Mountain Men to gather a ground force to go after them.

"Why not just kill us and get it over with?" she pushed on, Taylor shooting her a warning look to just stop it, Clarke only returning it with one that was attempting to reassure her. It didn't.

"You can tell the Commander what the Mountain Men are doing," Anya replied, Taylor furrowing her eyebrows and stopping in her tracks. Clarke followed suit and pulled the opposite direction with her binds.

"So let's work together," Clarke suggested, her tone exasperated. "We don't have to be enemies."

"And unite with someone as weak as you? I have what I need," she dismissed, already moving to turn around in the opposite direction.

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