chapter five

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     THE NEXT DAYS WERE NO EASIER for camp, Jasper's screams and groans traveling across the whole area much to the distaste of virtually everyone in camp

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THE NEXT DAYS WERE NO EASIER for camp, Jasper's screams and groans traveling across the whole area much to the distaste of virtually everyone in camp. It was setting Taylor's hairs on edge, but she wouldn't go as far as some others who shouted for him to just die already.

She climbed up the ladder to the upper level of the dropship, her hands sliding over each cold metal rung carefully. The smell of infection permeated in the confined space when she popped her head in. Finn, Clarke, Monty, and a dark haired boy who she hadn't seen before were sitting around the room in various places.

"Hey," she greeted with a small smile. "Any better?" She knew the answer to this question already because of the sounds Jasper had been making; the whole camp had heard them. She felt it more polite to ask.

Clarke looked at her oddly as she came over and sat near Jasper's feet. She had gotten the feeling that Clarke wasn't her biggest fan and this was only confirming what she already thought.

"No, I'd say he's worse," she responded sharply. Taylor sighed and stared down at the boy who was whimpering as Clarke dabbed at the spear wound with a cloth. She furrowed her eyebrows while she inspected it. "The Grounders cauterized the wound. Saved his life."

"Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait," Finn remarked as he walked over and leaned up against the wall. "Garden of Eden this ain't." Clarke looked away from him and back towards the wound, the same pensive look on her face.

"This is infected. He could be septic," she deduced grimly.

"It smelled pretty septic when I came up here," Taylor said, earning her yet another odd look from Clarke. She wanted to say something to her but held her tongue.

"Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark?" Clarke asked, turning her head to Monty who was sitting in the corner of the room with multiple wristbands surrounding him. He didn't respond, his vacant stare focused on his wounded best friend. "Monty?"

He snapped his gaze away from Jasper and shook his head, responding, "That would be a firm no."

Clarke closed her eyes and took a breath, turning her head back to her front. "My mother would know what to do," she said quietly. Silence slid into the room, soon interrupted by the sound of another arrival. Wells crouched down next to Clarke and looked at Jasper.

"How's he doing?" he inquired.

"How does it look like he's doing, Wells?" Clarke snapped without even giving him a second glance. Taylor knew that she wasn't Clarke's favorite, but whatever Wells had done was evidently much worse than whatever she could have done.

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