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She had been going to him for aquatic lessons. It was often at night, where other dragons would be sleeping and the SeaWing stripes would be clearer and more visible.

She would occasionally be late. She would occasionally be early. No matter what, he was always there, waiting for her in the cliffs.

Their lessons got more and more intimate over time. "I like you" was also mentioned, which made Tsunami blush a deep blue that wasn't quite as hidden as their meetings in the mountains.

I like you, Tsunami signalled with her stripes, then added with her tail, squid-brain.

Their lessons got a little longer after that. Riptide taught her more and more words, Tsunami learned to differentiate between one word and another.

In the end, they had confessed. Riptide was confused in a sweetly flustered way, his stripes lighting up like he was glowing from horns to tail. Well, in a way, he was.

"I-I didn't know you felt that way." Riptide had said finally, his tail brushing against the ground. Beneath them, there was cliffs and waterfalls plunging into the lake below, which was what Tsunami's heart felt like. Was Riptide's feelings for her entirely platonic? Did he only like as a friend?

"Well, it's not like something for you to be so mushy." Riptide smiled, his eyes scrunching at the sides kindly.

"Oh, you, shut up." Tsunami sputtered, her face about the same colour as the deep sea. She whacked Riptide with one wing, but was stopped suddenly with his talons.

"Make me," He said, quiet but deadly, like the viper that had taken Clay's ability to walk, leaving him limping. That was what Tsunami felt- Riptide's voice was enough to leave her paralyzed for a week.

Then he barreled into her, his wings spread out like an eagle ready to strike prey and lifted her into the sky.

"Wha-" Tsunami's tail was dangling in the air, with Riptide's twining around hers.

Riptide was flashing her something in aquatic over and over and over again in a repeated message: I love you I love you I love you.

"Y-you squid-brain!" Tsunami stammered, trying to sound commanding but failing. "You know I'm scared of heights when I'm not in control- you did this on purpose-"

"Then trust me," He called, his voice a whistle in the wind.

Tsunami nestled into his warm embrace and settled down.

"How long?" Riptide soared over the plains below, dotted with small wildlife and animals.

"How long what?" Tsunami asked, her talons gripping Riptide's neck tightly.

"You know. Since you liked me." Riptide grinned, pressing his snout to hers, and she jerked away, her face flushing even more.

"I don't know. Probably when I met you when you were with the Talons of Peace. I was- I was supposed to hate you, but somehow I was really happy to see you." Tsunami looked away, her eyes staring at the view below.

"Because I'm good looking?" Riptide joked.

"Oh, you and your big mouth." Tsunami whacked Riptide again, except with her tail this time, which sent them off-balanced in the air.

Which, surprisingly, the air seemed to be really, really shiny and green and-

"Glory?" Tsunami tried to wrestle herself off of Riptide, but the RainWing was a great flier. Which meant she spotted the huge entangle of mass that was Tsunami and Riptide.

"Tsunami? You- Riptide, why are you-" Glory started. "Oh. Oh. Wow. WOW. THREE MOONS TSUNAMI HOW-"

"It's not what it looks like!" Tsunami finally got up on her own and put her talons up. "I swear!"

"I WAS GOING TO INVESTIGATE A VERY HUGE SEAWING FLYING IN THE AIR BUT NOOOOOO, IT WAS RIPTIDE AND TSU-" Glory's muffled shrieks were ensued under Tsunami's talons around her snout.

"Glory, I swear to the moons if you don't stop babbling I will tell the whole world that you and Deathbringer had a huge marriage."

Glory became quiet, her eyes turning into wide circles of alarm.

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