Darkstalker?? Darksight-ish???

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Author's notes: lol. This isn't even a ship. But then again, does it have to be one? Not all one-shots contain romance, you know. :) Also, I'm sorry, I'm not making a Darksight one, because it's not canon *cries pitifully in a corner* okay, I'll stop. Keep in mind that I already read Darkstalker: Legends and Talons of Power.

Darkstalker's wings cut through the air with ease, slicing the clouds and darting under them every now and then.

He remembered. He remembered a time where everything was okay, everything was fine, and he was happy without a care in the world. The future was still so bright with thousands of possibilities, pushing the dark futures to the back of his mind.

Clearsight was above him, her beautiful scales shining grey-silver in the splash of moonlight. She did a flip before colliding into Darkstalker mid-air, laughing.

Darkstalker grabbed her talons and pulled her tight, tight into his warm embrace, right where he wanted her to be, when he wished this moment would last forever.

Then Clearsight broke away with a small chuckle, that sound like music to his ears, like the soft tinkling of piano keys in the distance, like the gentle yet wistful sound of the wind.

She was stunning, she was gorgeous, she was perfect.

Clearsight dove down so the shifting tides of oceans and seas below would touch the slightest bit of her wings, trailing behind a puff of mist and splashes of silvery water. Darkstalker followed her, his tail beating against the surface like small ripples of calm, the reflections of the three moons wavering from them.

"Darkstalker!" Clearsight called, her eyes, dark but brought so much light into his life at the same time. "Do you want to go home?"

"Not now." Darkstalker grinned at her, his wings catching the wind. "They'll just have to wait."

Black and blue clashed together in the scenery of seas and skies, the night whisking the light away and dotted itself with stars and moons. Two dragons darted around each other in a game of catch, nearly fading into the background.

They were happy.

They were safe.

There was nothing, nothing, ever, so worry about.

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