Glorybringer coffee AU

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Author's notes: This is a modern AU where Glory is a coffee barista and Deathbringer is a customer. They're still dragons, by the way. I think it's going to be quite long-ish?? Ah, let's just read the story.

Glory looked up at the clock, which was ticking away endlessly. She sighed, curling up her tail and glanced at her phone for any messages. She still had 364 unread messages sent from Tsunami, which was not a surprise; the SeaWing tended to spam everyone and generally cause a huge disruption.

Glory went back to staring at the clock, with the small hope that it would hit 7:00, signalling the end of her shift.

The clock showed 6:30 PM.

Glory was growing more and more impatient mostly because the clock was seemingly conspiring against her. Which was frustrating. She wanted this to be over already.

Then the sliding door opened, ringing the electronic bell that hung on top of it and out came a NightWing with one of the smugest faces she'd ever seen in her entire life.

"Two beer," He said dizzily, his black wings flaring out to steady himself. Glory smelt a pang of alcohol, wrinkled her nose, and answered: "Do you know what this place is?"

"Sure," He said, dazed. "A barghhh-" He then sidestepped and almost fell, but caught his balance with his tail.

"This isn't a bar, NightWing. This is a café." Glory hissed, her fangs baring with the threat of all-too-familiar deadly venom. "So unless you're going to buy me a drink, I highly suggest you get out and never come back." She faced him with an extreme glare that might have melted metal, but he only smiled at her giddily, his eyes sly.

"What if I bought you that drink?" He grinned, his teeth gleaming back at hers. Glory was momentarily caught for a moment, but settled down, her scales shimmering dark red and black.

"I'll like to see you try," Glory tried to look fierce and commanding, but with the flirtatious NightWing, she had no chance. "Get lost." She hissed again, putting more anger in her words.

The NightWing nodded, almost tripping on his way back. "Hey, what's your name?" He called as he stopped in front of the door.

Glory only ignored him, turning her back to the door as it slid open.

"Mine's Deathbringer," He said, before slipping out into the streets across.


Glory looked at the clock again, her scales reverting back to its ordinary lily green.

7:02 PM

She sighed, this time with relief, and started packing up her things.

The stormy sky outside started to rumbled softly, thunder booming in the distance.

Glory pulled her phone out, calling Sunny, while the sky began to drizzle. The rain drops pattered on the ground, reminding Glory of her dignity, and then the phone picked up, beeping.

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