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"Fatespeaker?" Starflight called out.

Fatespeaker patted Starflight's wing reassuringly. "I'm here!"

He relaxed and settled himself. The world of darkness was always surrounding him like a blanket, lingering and never-ending. There was nothing, nothing to tell what was behind the voices that spoke to him or flew around his head.

He wished he would've done better. He would've decided to leave Morrowseer behind quicker, then he'd never be like this- this pathetic state of him- and be a much stronger dragon.

Something that other dragonets could look up to.

"What are your thinking? Your forehead seems to be all wrinkled and stuff." Fatespeaker giggled, her laughter echoing in the cave walls of the academy before stopping.

"Alright. I'm okay now." Fatespeaker gasped for air, chuckles escaping from in between. "But it looked really funny! You were so confused and your forehead looked like an angry face!"

Starflight tapped her with his tail lightly. "Alright, settle down now. We have to open the library."

"Oh, sure!" The sound of talonsteps thumped away in the distance and Starflight could hear the firelight globes being lit up.

"All set!" Fatespeaker announced, clapping her talons.

She was so reliable. Kind of like a little friend to depend on and you could always trust her to do the right thing.

"Let's arrange the scrolls." Starflight suggested, putting his talons on the scroll racks, flitting his claws around some of the letters and neatly slipping them back in alphabetical order. "There."

"Woah. That was so quick. How did you do it?" Fatespeaker asked, her voice full of awe and curiosity.

Starflight smiled in the direction of her voice, flashing back to the memory when he was practicing arranging the scrolls again and again. "Practice," he answered finally. He didn't want Fatespeaker to worry about him staying up too late just to arrange the scrolls.

"Hmm. There's a student coming! Oh. It's Flame." Fatespeaker went silent for a moment. "I THINK I'M HAVING A VI-"

"Alright, shush, you," Starflight said gently. "Fatespeaker, you can help out behind the counter."

"Sure!" With that, she was gone.

Flame's talonsteps were loud and patterned, stomping away at the floor.

"Where's Stonemover?" Flame asked harshly, and Starlight could hear a growl escaping the SkyWing's mouth.

"Perhaps in the Music Studio, we haven't really-"

"I don't have time for that!" Flame yelled, and with shock Starflight could hear his talon slamming against the counter. "Give me scrolls on animuses! Anything you can find! NOW!" He roared.

"Alright, I-I-" Starflight hurriedly rushed his claws through the scrolls, his mind panicking and scared.

"WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?!" Flame slammed the table again, nearly toppling it over Starflight.

As soon as Starflight found 'animus', he yanked the scroll out, pulling several other scrolls with it and fell onto the floor.

Starflight got to his knees, looking for the scroll frantically.

"STAR VOMIT AND MOONFIRE!" Flame shouted at the trembling librarian. "CAN'T YOU DO ANY-"

A smacking sound. Something dropping onto the floor.

"Beat it, Flame. Here's your scroll." Fatespeaker said coldly, her voice firm and tense, like a coil ready to snap.

"I swear, three moons, this library needs a better library than that stupid handicapped dragon..." Flame muttered as he stalked off with his scroll.

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