They Don't Know

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As he sat there staring blankly into the deep, midnight sky, Yoongi pondered on everything his group has accomplished. They won artist of the year, they have the most international fans on 'V Live'. They've put out amazing music videos and have been on tours. But in spite of all that he didn't have the one thing he desperately longed for. One thing that he really wanted to be his. And that was Kim Taehyung.

He's had a crush on him for over two years now. Well, I guess you could say it's more than a crush now. As he thought of the other his heart began to ache, his chest felt like it was going to close in on him but what could he do? It was obvious Jeongukk had a crush on Taeyhung and in Yoongi's mind he believed he had no chance.

He sighed heavily which caught the attention of none other but the man who had captured his heart. "Hyung?" There in front of him stood a boy who was so effortlessly himself, that just looking at him made Yoongis heart flutter.

Taeyhung was extremely good-looking. Whenever he smiled his lips curved into forming a box smile. His eyes, though they were filled with blankness at times, gave off a unique feel which captivated a lot of people's hearts. His hair was a chestnut brown colour and his skin was tanned. Some could say he acts nothing like how he looks. If someone had asked to describe him just based off of looks they would probably say, "He looks like a gentleman."

He wasn't though, in fact he's rather childish and optimistic. The whole group believe that he and Hoseok are the mood makers. He tends to go into his own world at times which some people may think he's an 'airhead' but not to Yoongi. Yoongi knows the other is very smart, a genius even! He just has his own way of showing it.

"U-um hyung~" Yoongi was so lost in thought he totally forgot that Taehyung had been calling him. "Oh...Yeah?"
"Are you okay?" A sense of worry was plastered on his face.

Taeyhung came close to Yoongis face, too close. Their noses touched causing them both to blush. He backed away. Say it Yoongi. Now's your chance. Say it! Kookie's not there. What's stopping you? Rejection. That's what was stopping him. He adverted his eyes, refusing to make contact with him. "I'm fine!" He chirped. But Taehyung didn't buy it.

He grabbed his hands and pulled him up. "If you're not gonna tell me I'll tickle you hyung!" He claimed. Yoongi bit his bottom lip, causing Taeyhung to smirk. "Respect your elders." Yoongi scoffed, brushing him off. Taeyhung pouted and started tickling his hyung. "Fight me, old man" he fell into a fit of laughter as Yoongis expression was priceless.

He tackled Yoongi to the floor and stared into his eyes. Taeyhung was mesmerized by his eyes which showed nothing but love. A blush crept from his neck to his cheeks. "Yoongi..." he leaned down, just inches away from his lips.

"Yoongi" someone called out. But no one was there. "Yoongi!" Suddenly it all came to a stop. "It was just a dream..?" Yoongis eyes started watering. "Yoongi?" Namjoon gripped his shoulders. "What happened?" Namjoons face was filled with concern. "Nothing. It was a dream. Just a dream"
"Well. Come on then. We're at the hotel right now. Sleep once you actually check in." He chuckled, walking off. But. He then stopped in his tracks.

He turned his head slightly before saying, "You're sharing with Taehyung by the way"


A/N So yeahhhh xD that was the start o-o NOW I KNOW SOME PEOPLE PREFER VKOOK BUT TAEGI IS AMAZING ;^; Its like that hot cold relationship B) Even if no one reads this I still wanna make this because I have no life and all I've been doing is reading Taegi fanfic (sad I know) SO .O. ENJOY YOUR DAY

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