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Hoseoks P.O.V

Just seeing Namjoon break down in front of me was enough to make my blood boil. Jungkook wasn't ever really sane in my opinion. One time he offered me to join this weird "occult" thing where you'd practise black mirror summonings. He really wasn't sane. And I knew he wasn't yet he would always fool everyone with his bunny smile and cute actions.

I don't think he became like this because of Taehyung. Before he even 'liked' him he was still like this. Taking drugs, going missing for a few days then covering it up, excessive lying, going on the deep web,  coming back with bruises that looked like he'd been injecting himself with heroin. He did it way before then.

He made me promise not to tell, and I never did.

Ever since yesterday he's been staring at both of us constantly, always watching us until Jimin would come along, wanting some alone time with his boyfriend. I can't shake off this feeling that he's going to try and do something, Namjoon feels that too. No matter what though, I'll always protect Bangtan.

Taehyung and Yoongi are coming back today. I'm so excited because maybe if we have all of us back together Namjoon will cheer up. Even if Jin's gone he'll always have us, always.

End Of P.O.V

Taehyungs P.O.V

"Taehyung wake up." All I can hear is Yoongis voice but I don't want to open my eyes. "No." I muffled into my sleeping bag. "Tae baby." He made the e of Tae go on for a long time. My heart. Is not. Ready. For this. "I don't wanna open my eyes." I groaned, sulking. "Is my face that ugly?" And I instantly shot up.

"No! You're adorable and cute and hot and how can a person be all of those things? You could star in a movie even. So you're not ugly." I jumped up out of the sleeping bag I was in and pointed at him. All he did was laugh then stood up as well. "Don't we have to go back to the dorm today?" He asked before packing away the sleeping bags.

"Yup. But I was thinking we could go watch a movie once we get back? If you liked the date I mean.." I was waiting for rejection but the next few words from his mouth astounded me, "I'd love to. But next time I'm choosing the date. No offense but I think a fly flew into my mouth yesterday."

"I kissed that mouth eww." He could've told me that yesterday. Maybe flies are even attracted to him. I have competition with a FLY?

"Yup. Now hurry up and help me pack so we can go back."

"Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human t---"

"You are?"

". . .No comment." I heaved a sigh then finished packing. Even when he's being mean I can't help but fall for him even more. Weird I know.  "Let's go." He held my hand and began pulling me down the mountain.

Once we reached the bottom I was about to get in the drivers seat until he stopped me. "Hyung, what are you doing?"

"Tae, when we were driving you nearly hit at least four posts. And I'm seriously wondering how you got your drivers license when you were driving it like a toy car." Did I not tell him I got a drivers license for my toy car? I said I have a drivers license! I'm certified. "So I'm driving."

"But hyung, I have my drivers license look!" I took out my license and showed him, his face automatically dropped. "Kim Taehyung...That's not a real drivers license it's for a toy car!"

"It's still a license." I stuck out my tongue then flicked his forehead. "Okay okay. But I'm driving. No complaining." We got in the car and Yoongi looked like he was about to burst into a fit of laughter. "Why are you smiling hyung?"

"Because I'm in love with someone who has a drivers license for a toy car."

"You love me?" I fake gasped, but since he had to focus on the road he was trying not to take his eyes off it. "I do?" He also gasped, making me pout. "Yessss." "Swag."

End Of P.O.V

The four were all waiting in their rooms until they heard the sound of an engine coming to a hault. Namjoon and Hoseok raced outside to find not 'Taegi' but Hoshi, Mingyu and Jun from Seventeen.

(A/N I had to okay everyone needs some seventeen in their life)

"Hoshi! Jun!" Hoseok pulled the pair into a tight hug until Mingyu coughed. "Why didn't I get one?"

"Jungkook always says 'Mingyu is so amazing and talented and only I can hug him.' So you can go hug him he's inside."

Mingyu just pulled Namjoon and Hoseok into a hug, denying his request to go hug Jungkook. "Are you ready for our...ANNUAL GAMERS EVENT?" Jun jumped onto Hoshis back before tapping him on the head. "Bring it~" They galloped into the boys dorm, ready to win.

"Jungkook-ah, Jimin-ah." Mingyu called out to the pair who were cuddling. Jimin instantly shot up and hugged the tall brunette. Jungkook shot a glare at Mingyu practically telling him to back off.

Was he jealous? How could he be when all he ever thought about was trying to mess with Taehyungs head and Yoongis. But he was jealous. And he didn't know why.

"Why are you here?" Jimin asked the trio. The boy with pink hair was being eyed by his boyfriend, 'cute' he smiled happily before going to his boyfriends arms once more. "Annual Gamers Event!" They all contributed to the answer.

Jun and Hoshi were still practising their 'victory dance' which gained a few laughs from Hoseok and Namjoon. "We're not afraid of some old geezers right Jun?" Hoshi tried to seem threatening by walking up to the pair with a forceful dance but failed dramatically. "Yeah! Let's play."

"Wait." The pair shouted, making all commotion come to an end. "It's not fair if you have three players and we only have two." Namjoon protested, remembering how Jin would've loved this. "Let Jungkookie play." Jimin insisted, even though they were weary of Jungkook making Jimin upset was the last thing they wanted to do.

"You up for it?" Hoseok asked in a monotone voice yet shown a smile at the maknae. "Sure." For once Jungkook felt something different as though he wasn't seen as a complete monster to the pair. Maybe he could change. Maybe.

A/N Kinda feelin shizz about this chapter xD but anywayyy 'Movie' by BTOB is such a catchy song doeeee xDD I APOLOGIZE FOR THE CHAPTER NOT BEING THAT GREAT BUT I HAVE IDEAS IN MY HEAD AND I'VE EVEN THOUGHT OF AN ENDING (not yet doe) SO BYE


THIS PICTURE DOE cxx I love when he calls him Taehyungie is it just me or has Taegi been strong so far in 2017 B)

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