Feelings Suck

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Taehyungs p.o.v

"Kookie." I looked at the boy who was walking towards me. He sat down on the bench without making a sound, enjoying the view around him. "Taehyung-ie!" He smiled, kicking his feet.

"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I lied.
"Are you sure?" His smile started fading. But I wasn't going to tell anyone. Not even Yoongi...
"Yep!" I smiled and hugged him. Distracting him from what I was really feeling.

"Well you two look cosy." Yoongi..? I turned slightly to see that Yoongi was standing before us. I instantly let go of him and stared at Yoongi.

End of p.o.v

As the two boys were on the bench, Yoongi decided to get some fresh air. He went outside the hotel, his hair messy and wearing some blue pj bottoms, and a BTS t-shirt. As you can see, he just doesn't give a fuck.

He breathed in the air until he nearly chocked on it. All that fresh air suddenly became toxic as Taehyung was busy hugging Kookie. "Well you two look cosy" he spat. His words laced with coldness. He walked away, leaving the pair flabbergasted.

"Yoongi!" Taehyung called out, wanting him to come back. But Yoongi didn't stop. Why would he? He saw the person he had feelings for hug someone else and not him. Wouldn't you feel the same way?

The moment was silent. The cold air braised against his skin, causing him to shiver. "I can treat you better..." Jeon Jungkook whispered, but Taehyung heard him. Every. Last. Word. "You're bad at whispering." He laughed awkwardly, averting his gaze. "What? Nope! I didn't. Bye now." he ran away from him like a little child. Although Taehyung didn't feel the same way he couldn't help but smile at the youngers innocence.

He decided to get up and find Yoongi. 'Maybe he just woke up and was angry because he was cold.' He thought to himself. But that wasn't the case.

He searched the rooms, searched the restaurant in the hotel, searched everywhere you could think of. Except the orchestral room where they held some recitals if a special guest was at the hotel. Taehyung fastened his pace as he went to the room. He thought to himself 'if he's not here I'm gonna kill him' still no Yoongi though...

He dredged his feet along the carpet, heavily walking to his room. He got his things, before noticing that Yoongis things were also gone. Where did he go? He looked over at the empty bed, until he saw a picture.

"He must've forgot this" he hummed a melody before jumping on the bed to see what the picture was. Examining the photo in excruciating detail he knew exactly what the photo was. It was a picture taken by Namjoon of Yoongi and Jimin smiling. Taehyung remembered this day well, because that's when this so called 'crush' became the real thing. Looking at them smiling, Yoongi showing his classic gummy smile made his heart gain a pang of sadness. He wanted to make Yoongi smile like that. He wanted Yoongi to be his. But he was too embarrassed to say how he feels. And he too, is scared of rejection.

"Taehyung! Hurry up we need to get on the bus." Jin yelled loudly while rapidly banging on the door.

"Kim Seokjin I swear if you don't stop banging I will--- Nevermind" Taehyung got his things and went to the bus. "Where's Yoongi?" He asked Jimin and Hoseok with worry.

"Dunno" they both chimed in.

"Then we can't leave without him!" He protested.

"Yes we can" a smirk started to form on the members faces.

"Are you serious right now?" He gave them the Taehyung Glare. You know that glare where you're trying your best not to punch someone in the face? That glare. Although he couldn't hurt a fly. Or could he?


"Well I'm going to look for him. You can leave if you want but I'm staying." He jumped into the bus to put his things in, until he saw Yoongi fast asleep in the back of the bus. "Guess you don't have to look for him now huh?" The two members grinned, knowing they hit a nerve. "Meanies." Taehyung pouted before sitting at the back with Yoongi.

Taehyungs P.O.V

I'm really gonna kill those boys one day. Like bro. Just. No. (Btw I'm making their p.o.v's sorta informal because it would be super boring just reading formal writing and yehh) Yoongi's sleeping again. He literally just...sleeps. Doesn't your head hurt if you sleep too long? Maybe he had a past life and he had like insomnia or something so he sleeps a ton and doesn't get hurt! Boom. Genius.
I sat beside him and then he held onto my waist. Brooooo why so clingy when you sleep but not when you're awake? "Unfair." I tried to escape his grip but y'know he's like a koala. Once locked in you're trapped.

After struggling for a few minutes I pulled him close to my chest and let him snuggle up close to me. His lips were cherry red, his skin looked paler than usual and his bangs were covering his forehead. This would be a perfect romance scene if I wasnt stuck with five other people, a driver and a mangaer.

"Taehyung-ah" I heard my name so I looked around to see who it was, but nobody was looking at me. "Taehyung-ah" Yoongi buried his face into my chest before moving his legs so they were tangled with mine. So it was him. "Cute." I smiled sheepishly. He must be dreaming about me. This counts as bragging rights right? I looked down once more to see that he was crying. Wait. Why is he crying? Is it because of me?

The tears weren't stopping and I don't know why he's crying. The only thing I could think of to try and make him stop was hugging him. I hugged him so tight I heard a small gasp come from his mouth. "Sorry hyung..."

"I love you" Yoongi muttered in his sleep. Gah I can feel myself blushing. Yoongi, I hope that was meant for me. But if it's not, I don't blame you. Who would?

A/N WORD COUNT BE HIGH AF DOEEEE x'DD Sooo this is the third chapter -^- I have a good idea for what the middle bit will be like I kind of want some ACTION and HEARTBREAK and ANGSTYYYY xDD I dunno I just want to make the book a lil different, like i know some of my shizz is like some other fanfictions but that will change c:<

Word Count: 1112

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