Spring Day

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Ever since that night at the dorm the six boys have been inseparable. Taehyung would never leave Yoongis side. Jungkook and Jimin were always annoying Namjoon and Hoseok would act like a proud dad.

Today, they were going to film for their song 'spring day'. Hoseok sat in the front with the drivers. In the middle section Taehyung sat in the middle seat, with both Yoongi and Jungkook on each side. Jimin sneered at Taehyung who was sitting beside 'his man.' There was no point in hiding the fact that they were together now. But they didn't want to tell. Not yet at least. So Taehyung and Jungkook remained as an 'item' even though they had broken up.

"I'm so excited." Taehyung clicked his fingers and then Hoseok and him started singing, reinacting Exo's lotto. Yoongi looked so giddy watching Taehyung that the other started singing with him too. Jungkook just scoffed. "Seriously? I thought I liked this dude?" He laughed under his breath, gaining a look from Jimin.

"Jiminie smile!" He pushed his lips into a smile before taking a picture. "Gonna upload that later." He winked at him, forgetting that Namjoon was watching what they were doing. "Are you two a thing? I thought VKook was alive though." He sulked, even though he wouldn't be bothered if they weren't a thing anymore. Namjoon always thought Taehyung suited Yoongi more.

"What? N-no. Don't say things like that." The two lowered their heads. Everyone was so sketchy lately. Apart from Hoseok, but he's just, well, he's just Hoseok. There's no better way at explaining it. He's like sunshine.

"Taegi seems like it's going much more strong." He teased Jungkook, who then looked at the two singing and rapping their hearts out. He didn't really notice how close they were until Namjoon pointed it out.

"Frankly, I'm a Jikook shipper." Jimin smirked, resting his head against the car seat. Jungkook started stumbling over his words. "Shut up." Returning a smile he looked back over to the pair still singing.

"So loud." The three groaned, which made Hobi want to sing even louder. "What? We can't hear you~" the other three laughed so hard causing their stomachs to ache. "Okay we're done."

Yoongi took his pillow and leaned to the side, trying to rest. Even though the starry pillow was nice and cold it was uncomfortable to sleep. Taehyung noticed this so he leaned over while whispering into his ear, "Hyung, you look uncomfortable. Rest your head on my shoulder." Of course Taehyung was blushing and was nervous but he hated seeing Yoongi in discomfort.

"Tae I'm good." He looked to the younger to see him pouting. His caramel bangs were all messy but it made him look adorable to him. "I can pout too." He showcased his pout, unravelling a chuckle from Taehyungs stomach.

"Please hyung." Two hands were wrapped around his arm practically begging him to just give in. "Gah. Fine."

He placed his head on the youngers shoulder. Surprisingly it was very comfy and he soon found himself fast asleep.

Namjoon was just listening to music until he discovered their destination. It had now been fourty-five minutes since Yoongi fell asleep but they had to get the music video filmed. "Taehyung, wake him up we're here." The other boys unbuckled their seatbelts then left the car.

"Kay." He gazed over at the other before leaning closer to him. Carefully he cupped his face gently. "Is it wrong to be in love with you?" He paused for a second before carrying on. "Is it wrong that I want to kiss you so badly right now?"

"Taehyung." Yoongi would usually talk in his sleep, but hearing his name being called out by Yoongi made him weak. He stared at his lips then uncontrollably kissed him.

'is this a dream?' Yoongi thought as he woke up to see Taehyung blushing with his bangs covering his eyes. "Tae...?" His hands moved to Taehyungs chest, returning the kiss.

Taehyung probably didn't hear Yoongi call out his name but once he felt Yoongis lips move in sync with his he quickly opened his eyes, revealing a highly shy Yoongi. "I'm sorry." He was taken aback and moved away from him.

"Did you just kiss me?" Taehyung gawked at him, gaining a folded pair of arms from Yoongi. "Y-you kissed me first!"

"N-no I didn't. Even if I did you kissed me back!" Taehyung shrieked, putting his hands up in defence. "Don't blame me." Yoongi matched his volume, even raising his voice even more than him. "Then don't bring it up!"

He dashed out of the car and of course Yoongi followed. "Kim god damn Taehyung." He yelled one more. Everyone turned around to look at the pair with cherry-tomato faces. "What happened?" Hobi queried about what had happened.

"Nothing. Okay? Nothing." They were both in sync without having to look at each other. He coughed to get rid of the awkward tension, "well at least you're up. Let's record now." He jumped on Jimins back and they started running off without the rest. "Wait up!"

The others were nailing their scenes but the two boys, they couldn't even remember to sing their lines. "Taehyung, Yoongi. Get over here now." Namjoon commanded them and they ran over to him faster than a cheetah. "Yes rapmon?" Taehyung batted his eyelids at the older only to gain a 'what the fuck are you doing Taehyung' response from him.

"Don't bat your eyelids he only likes people with swag." Yoongi chimed in, dancing and quite frankly, failing. He got the same response and Taehyung stuck his tongue out at him. "Respect your damn elders." He stuck his tongue out as well but all Namjoon could do was tut while the pair argued.

"Listen up. Actually do your scenes. I don't mean bad. I mean if you don't successfully do your damn scenes I will show you why I was chosen as the leader now go." He pushed the two forwards then sat back on his chair relaxing.

"Why is he so mean?" The two sighed at each other and tried their best to do their scenes. They finished the shooting at 3 am. They could've left it for tomorrow but they wanted to finish in one day.

Joining up, they created a fire to sit around. Yoongi sat farthest away from Taehyung. Taehyung felt disappointed but he could understand why. "Guys."

Jungkook and Jimin stood up, standing awkwardly above the others. "What?" Namjoon rubbed his hands against each other to create warmth. They looked around to make sure everyone had their attention on them. "Jimin and I are together. We have been for a while."

Everyones mouth except Taehyungs gaped open.

An awkward silence filled the place until Yoongi finally decided to speak up

"Wait does that mean you and Taehyung broke up then?" He couldn't help but ask. If there was a chance that that kiss meant anything to Taehyung he needed to know if there was a chance between them.

"Yeah." Jungkook held Jimins hand, feeling more secure now. Jungkook used to have a crush on Jimin when they were younger. They did everything together but back then Jimin was confused on who he liked. Jungkook or this girl called Sekai (btw I realise Sekai is a japanese name not korean but I like it so yehh xD) In the end Jimin ultimately picked Sekai even though his heart told him Jungkook. Jungkook finally decided to give up on him by focusing on Taehyung. That was until recently.

Taehyungs eyes were now fixated on Yoongi. He breathed out heavily, looking back at Taehyung. "Well, Jikook is pretty good too." Namjoon confessed, gaining a small smile from Yoongi.

Taehyung was mad though. He could've had a chance with Yoongi if Namjoon told Jimin to be with Jungkook instead. Namjoon then stood up as well.

"Jungkook I need to say something."

"What is it?" Jungkook smiled but pain was etched onto his face.

"I told Taehyung to be with you. I shouldn't have but, you looked so weak and I thought you loved Taehyung so I wanted you to get better..." Tears left his eyes, instead of punching him in the face Jungkook pulled him into a hug.

Yoongi wanted to do the same but all he could think of was Taehyung and the kiss. And Taehyung was thinking of the exact same thing.

"So glad Yoongi and I don't like anyone from our group in that way right?" Hoseok smiled happily, thinking of the girl he had a crush on.


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