~Chapter Eleven~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

After getting ready, for school, I started heading to school. When I arrived, Budo wasn't there to greet me. Must have already started the club activities. As I headed to my locker, I noticed a note sticking out, just slightly. I froze up. Was the bullying going to continue?

Though, when I opened my locker, I was relieved, to see that it was a different handwriting. It says that someone wants to talk to me about something very important, at the rooftop, at lunchtime. Could this be Budo? Could he be wanting to confess his love?! It's a slight chance. But, hey, I'll hold onto that small chance.

~Budo's P.O.V~

When (y/n) arrived, she seemed very happy. "Hey, (y/n)." I greeted her. "Hey." (y/n) said, in the happiest voice I had ever heard from her. "Did something happen?" "No..." I didn't believe her. But, I am glad that she's happy.

~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

Okay, it's lunchtime. Time to head to the rooftop. When I arrived, I noticed that no was on the rooftop. How odd... I haven't been here very long, but, I know that people like to go to the rooftop to eat. Hope nothing happened to them...

Soon, I was met with a girl I had never met before. "Hello." I said, trying to be polite. "Hello." She said, back to me. But, her hello sounded very dark, and, dare I say it? Murderous...

The female just continued to stare at me, with a really creepy stare. I'm started to get creeped out. I then heard heavy breathing... Right behind me... I turned around, to see Saki Miyu. And, she was holding a knife.

Right when she was about to stab me, I started running away. I could hear two pairs of feet racing after me. Wait, two!? I looked behind me, to see that the mysterious girl was also chasing me. Crap, are BOTH of them out for my head?

While running, I pulled out my phone, and, quickly put in Budo's number, that I had already memorized. Yeah, I may be a bit crazy...

After putting in Budo's number, I hit call. It went to voicemail. No! "This is Budo Masuta. I'm currently not available. Must be practicing martial arts." Budo's voice could be heard laughing. "Please leave a message, and, I'll try to get back to you." The phone then beeped. "It's (y/n), please, help! I'm being-" The phone fell out of my hand.

I scrambled to grab my phone. Got it! Just before the girls caught up to me, I hit the send button. Before I could do anything else, I felt someone grab me. I tried to fight, but, I was no use. I was then slammed into the wall. The phone fell out of my hands.

The girl who slammed me into the wall turned out to be Saki Miyu. Wow, she's quite strong. She just looked at me, with an emotionless expression. She lifted a knife up to my neck. "Saki, stop." Saki stopped, but, still held me into place.

"Give me the knife. I want to be the one to end her life. Very slowly, and painfully..." My eyes went wide, as Saki handed the girl the knife. "Who are you? And, why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?!"

"I'm Ayano. And, why am I doing this? Simple. You took Senpai away from me!" What is she talking about? Who's Senpai? "I don't know your Senpai." "Stop lying to me!" Ayano said, while putting the knife up to my neck. I trembled.

"Now, let's start the fun, shall we?" Ayano then started to slit my stomach. Not very hard, but, just enough to inflict a lot of pain. "HELP-" A gag was put in my mouth. So much for screaming for help. Budo, please, get my message! I desperately need your help!

~Budo's P.O.V~

As I watched my pupils train, I started to wonder where (y/n) was. She seemed so enthusiastic about training this morning. Did something happen? Did she get held up? I got out my phone, when I noticed I had gotten a message from someone I didn't know. I put my ear up to the phone, and listened to the message.

"It's (y/n), please, help! I'm being-" The message then ended. This alarmed me. Is (y/n) okay?! I then ran out of the room, not waiting to explain to the rest where I was going. I heard her panting between words, so, she must be running. And, since you can't run in the halls, she has to be either up on the rooftop, or, outside. Come on, Budo, think. Every second that passes by could be crucial to (y/n)'s life.

I then remembered (y/n) heading up to the rooftop, for lunch. Hopefully, she's up there. I started running towards the rooftop, not caring if the teachers caught me. Don't worry, I'll save you, (y/n)!

Here we go, we're getting to the intense part of the story! As always, I hope you enjoyed! Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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