Chapter 22

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"I feel lost inside myself."


#Alice's POV#

I'm here again, in the carriage. I've discovered that means she's taken over for yet another week or, if she doesn't get bored, longer. I like it here though. Where she leaves me. It's a underground train travelling at infinite speed, I'm alone and it's calm, watching the lights flicker helps me think for some strange reason and the occasional harsh rattle of the train gives me a headache but I don't mind so much, as long as it's remotely quiet, I like it here. Sometimes I bump into people here, people that are passing over. They're nice to speak to, I like hearing there stories, how they grew up, what they did, I was most interested in how they died though. Only for the reason that I'll never know what that's like. Dying forever. They told me how it's like at first. It's all white and calm, they all said that if they could, they'd have stayed there forever. Then they said an hallucination of their first love, whether it be a puppy or a person, gave them a choice. A hard choice, might I add. To stay a spirit for eternity and to stay where there last breath was taken or to finish there un-finished business and start again. 

Well they said start again but, I wouldn't so much describe it as that. They remain a shadow in their life as they watch from their first breath until their last. Re-living their very own life from another view. Watching their own self take their first steps, first day of school, last day of school, first job, wedding day all the way until they die. Then they wouldn't say what happens next other than it's wonderful.

The train would come to a squeaky halt and the doors would open releasing a suction like sound and with a small wave and a wide grin, the spirit would leave me, stepping off the train carriage and into the room of their birth.

Death sounds nice, peaceful even. I want to go there as well. Smile with my own self during the happy moments and silently comfort younger Alice as she cries, locked in her room but what I really want to see is that day, the day I was born. I want to see the anger in Harry's eyes when he realizes what my father has made him do, I want to hear Harry spite him in anger and turn his back on both my father and I. Then I want to skip to the bit when he sneaks back into my life, teasing in his tone and nothing but admiration swirling the hypnotizing green eyes of his.

I want to see my own face when I discovered my love for that stupid boy, I want to hear him say those three words for the first time, a million times. I want to hear the expectation in my voice when I agree to a life with him, a long life with the boy I love but like a wise man once wrote, Expectation is the root of all heartbreak. 

The train stopped and another spirit boarded; I look up and my jaw drops at the woman infront of me as she cheers about something working. Just like I remembered, she was too happy but that's what I loved most about her. She found the good in everything. Even dad.

"Mum?" I whisper and she shuts up and spins rapidly to face me. 

"Alice..." She grins, stumbling a little as the train begins again. "I expected to see you here."

"You did?"

"Well I wouldn't have said it if I didn't, oh dear Alice, I have missed you." My mother smiles warmly at me and I throw myself at her, clinging on for dear life and I try to make up for all the hugs I've missed. "Shh, Alice. Don't cry." She whispers as I sob.

Out of all the people I expected to see here, I'd never expect my mother. I assumed she'd been and gone by now but clearly not.

"How-" I choke "How are you here?"

"I, um, I gave myself away." She states, confusing me "I, in a way, gave up my ghost. To save Harry's life" Mother elaborates further and I automatically know she's speaking of the poisoned blood.

"Thank you." I say squeezing her tightly and she nods and whispers how much she loves me as the train journey ends and it is my mothers spot. It never usually ends this quickly, I feel as though death is playing games with me. My mother kisses my forehead and steps to towards the door, leaving me tear stained and shaking.

"Be a good girl, won't you Alice?" She says sadly "I don't want you thinking about death again, alright? It's not as good as it seems. I want you living a long life with Harry, okay? Have some kids, I've always wanted grandchildren!" With one last nod and a kiss blown towards me she leaves and steps into a room where a baby can be clearly heard crying.

"I love you, mum." I shakily whisper but she's already long gone and the train has started again.

The ride is rougher than usual and the lights are flickering quicker until they eventually shut off and I'm left in the dark and seconds after the train stops and I hear the doors open. Whatever is beyond the train is giving the little light needed to step out and I do. I step onto the red carpet of what seems to be a cinema lobby. I go up to where a blonde girl is behind a counter, shelves of popcorn and sweets behind her as she twiddles with her hair and yaps on her gum. Liquorice gum, I believe. The smell is unbelievably strong.

"Hello?" I say and she fakely grins.

"Here's your ticket." She hands me a blank, orange card in the shape of a cinema ticket. "Your in for screen four." The girl, with a blank name tag says before blowing a large, black bubble in my face and when I stick my pinky through it so it pops, she's gone. Strange.

I walk my way towards the screens and walk inside screen four, of course the room is dark and only faintly lit with small lights attached to the walls. The same girl from moments ago hands me glasses- 3D glasses which I take and place on my face, when I look up to thank her, she's once again gone.

I take a seat at the back, overlooking the whole, empty theatre and the room goes dark and the screen alights with adverts from years ago. 

"This is going to be so good!" Someone squeals beside me and I turn, seeing Zayns girlfriend Perrie.

"So good!" Someone agrees the other side of me. I already recognise the voice as Zayn himself, sat two seats away.

"Shut up! I'm trying to watch this!" Someone calls from infront, pointing at the advert on screen. I notice that it's Summer. She's always loved watching adverts for some strange reason.

"Alice!" Someone shouts, placing themselves in the seat directly infront me. 

"CeCe?" I question and she nods as Niall takes a place next to her.

Suddenly, the whole room is filled with people I've known in the past and know now. Not all of them friends, not all of them I even know, just seen before. I recognise everyone in here and the whole room is filled except the seat between Zayn and I.

Where is Harry?

A countdown begins on the screen before a image shows up, a image of Harry. Not just any image of Harry though. A sad one, he's sat on his bed- head in his hands and I assume he's crying.

The picture begins to move into a live video and I know that while we're all sat here watching, Harry is there, at home, having a break down. What is the meaning of this?!


Hi, I'm Chanelle (@PeterPan_InPurple) I'm Ollie's cousin and this chapter is really bad because I wrote it, sorry. Ollie is going through some tough times at the moment so if you could all just bear with her for a little. Updates will be slow over the next two weeks but there will definitely be updates and if you're confused at all by this chapter, contact me on my account (@PeterPan_InPurple) and I'll explain! Also this chapter was meant to be part of the book before anything is said. OIlie gave me the plan and I wrote so don't say that I've ruined the book or anything because no. Thank you and good night/morning/evening/afternoon just whatever.

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