Chapter 14

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"Real freedom lies in wildness, not in civilization"

- Charles Lindbergh

(This chapter looks really short but it's the same amount of words as most my chapters://)


I hide my face in Harry's back from the madness in the next room. We stand meters away from an area to which wolves are being chained and locked in kennels whipped and fed poorly - I mean, they're only being fed when they lose the strength to be in their wolf form.

"Shall we attack?" Louis whispers and Harry shakes his head.
"Alice is still a new blood," Harry pauses to make sure no one can hear us "She'll tear that place up"
"Maybe that's what we need," I defend
"She has a point, Haz." Louis admits "She'll be on such a big frenzy; she'll be unstoppable"

Harry seems to think over the point before nodding slowly "Don't release the mutts until she's done though or she'll take them down too"
"She's going to need something to," Harry is cut of by a wolf whimpering "Start the frenzy" He finishes the exact moment a troll (I think) walks by. 

Smirking, I release my fangs and attack. I cover the trolls mouth to prevent his cries for help and after that everything is black and I'm completely taken by the darker side of me.

It's like everything good in me has vanished or at the very least been stored away. My soul, completely taken and replaced with a whole new one. One that craves murder, blood and all that's wrong in the world. Saying that though, this could have been me all along and I just never realized it. Never realized I was made for this, not made for evil just made to save people, beings, things. I have no choice to but to be murderous about it but the good are being saved and the bad taken.

I just hope one day I don't live up to the standards of a vampire.

A cold-blooded killer, taking lives for fun. Draining for my own pleasure and not because it's needed.

I should be taking the lives of humans, when will I actually do that?

My thoughts are cut when the taste of blood changes, my normal sight returns and I realise my teeth are sunk into Harry's wrist.

"Alice," He says; his voice strained "Let... Go!" Pulling away quickly I start wiping my mouth
"I'm so sorry Harry!" I begin nursing at his wrist  "I- I wasn't with it, I'm so sorry"
"It's fine, really. It's fine" Harry reassures but I know it isn't fine.

We ended the conversation there and started breaking open the latches on the cages, the wolves shakily left the cages.

"It's okay, we're here to help you," I softly speak, stroking a tiny wolf. 

Are these people actually cruel enough to ill treat children?

"Do you know where your clothes are?" Harry asks and a large gingery-brown wolf growls but Harry seems to understand and sends the wolves on their way.

The pack is rather large around 10 wolves, four of which are pups - I can tell by the size. But how are we going to get ourselves and many others back home?

"Alice, has a question" Louis shouts causing Harry to jump from whatever deep thought he was in
"How are we getting home?" I ask "There is thirteen of us now"

There is a silence after that and by the way Louis is looking toward Harry, I know he's come up with a good idea.

"Alice, do you fancy running with werewolves?" Louis grins like it's the best thing ever and I nod rapidly.

I get to run a lot, yes but across London? I will not let that oppurtunity go. I can't dismiss the choice to be me, Alice. Alice the vampire. The new Alice. The one that loves to run, jump and climb, loves he smell of the forest, the smell of a flower blooming mile off, loves hearing birds flap their wings in the morning. I love the new me, it's like I should have always been this way. 

Free. I feel free. There's no other way to describe it. Just free.

Whilst I was endulged in my thoughts, Harry and Louis arranged the travelling arrangements. The pups will be driving back with Louis since Harry doesn't want to be cooped up with "A bunch of dirty mutts" - Such a pleasant boy - and Harry and I will be running with the rest.

"I'll see you back at the house" Louis mutters taking Harry's car keys and guiding the little children out to the car. God that sounds weird.

"You ready?" Harry asks the others - that are still the their wolf form - and they all nod. Harry then turns to me "You might wanna take your shoes off, it helps" He says and takes off his brown boots.

I slip of my converse and put them in my bag, that I carry everywhere and Harry puts his shoes in there too as well as our socks.

 Before I knew it, Harry was dragging me into the streets of London so fast no one could see us and I'm loving every second of it. "Where are the wolves?" I shout to Harry who is a little infront.

"Some where no one will see them!" He laughs looking up.

There they were, the wolves, running just as fast but more visably than us, along the roof tops of buildings. Laughing, I speed up and as usual, Harry and I begin to race.

The passing by scenery ended before I liked. I was beginning to like the fresh air on my face and blur of leafless, winter trees. It doesn't sound like much but once it's witnessed, the beauty is released.

"I smell dog, why do I smell dog?"  Niall leaves the house, when we reach the garden,  with disgust clear on his face
"There's been... An incident" Harry breifly explains "This pack are on our side now, we're locating a few more that have been under the same circumstances. We've just had to save these lot"
"And I helped!" I chirp causing both Niall and Harry to laugh "CeCe!" I call and she rushes out and stands next to Niall "You. Me. Bath tub. Dirty wolves?" I jokingly suggest just as Louis pulls up.

"I think we're going to need something a little bigger than a bath tub" CeCe laughs looking over the sizes of the wolves and I giggle, agreeing
"Do you guys have... A pool, maybe?" I teasingly suggest but apparently that was an amazing idea
"Louis!" Niall exclaims! "I'll race you to the hose pipe!"
"I guess I'll be getting the pool" Harry sighs, "I'll see you later" He kisses my temple before zooming toward the shed.

That is how I ended up scrubbing down ten wolves. 

"Stressed?" Harry laughs after I come out of my 3 hour shower
"Highly," I groan and sit next to him on his bed "It's all weighing down on me. I just need a break"

"I have an idea" He grin, suddenly on top of me.



I'm sorry for making you wait a week for updates, I don't even have an excuse, I've just been lazy SORRY. 

I love you all, vote and comment please, ily all soo much! INBOX ME TOO I GET LONELY.


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