Chapter 17

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"To find a place that cannot be found, you must be lost to find it.

Else ways everyone would find it"

~My granddad


"A dead fairy." Harry whispers chuckling slightly "Of course, why didn't I see this coming?" 
I look over at the doctor to make sure he cannot hear us before asking "See what coming? Why are we here, Harry?"
"We need to find it. Alice. Her heart, I mean. Why else do you think they're re-doing to autopsy? Her heart is missing!" He laughs rather manically
"Harry. Calm down. You're acting crazy!" I whisper/yell, hoping for some sense to be knocked into him.

"There could be many reasons they are re-doing the autopsy, it's probably something they missed. Think rationally, Harry." I reason.

I have no clue what he's talking about but he's scaring me, he has this kind of crazy look in his eye and he keeps running his hands through his hair, he's full on convinced Claudia's heart is missing, which is absurd, it really is. He does seem rather panicked though and I can tell this is well and truly bothering him. We'll just help with the autopsy and let Harry have whatever kind of break down he's nearly having. 

"Okay, so her file says..." Doctor appears again "She was found missing... Her heart? Well, that's strange." He concludes and both Harry and I tense. He was right, Harry was right and he's panicked so I'm panicked.

"So, it was murder?" Harry asks "Well, of course. She didn't do it to herself, I'm an idiot" He mumbles
"Unfortunately, yes. There was absolutely no evidence of the murderer though except a note left in her pocket. It's been taken by the FBI though"
"Whoever it was must be clever. No evidence, at all?" I ask
"None." He clarifies.

Harry and I exchange looks and I know we're thinking the same thing. Dark Shadows.


"That was weird," I say when we're seated in the car
"Still wanna be a doctor?" Harry smirks
"No," I scrunch my nose in disgust and he laughs "Why did they want Claudia's heart?"

Harry sighs and begins out the car park "A fairies heart can be used for one of two things." He tells "One, for the darkest, most dangerous kind of magic..." He trails
"And two?" I begin panicking
"Two... To reincarnate the dead." I freeze. Who are they bringing back? If that's what they want anyway "Alice. We have to find your fathers body" He tells, anger rising in him, I know he is yet to forgive my father for leaving us so clueless and tricking Harry into doing many things "And his ghost."

I literally choke on my saliva. No. No, no, no, no! I am not ready to face that man, nor will I ever be ready, I'm angry and upset at him for leaving me and I hate him for doing this to me and I love him because he gave me so much and my feelings are so confused for my own father and I just don't want to see him because then I'm just going to forgive him and I don't want to that because I forgive to easily; I no longer want to be a push over, I'm not going and I am not talking to him, never will I ever.

"You go. I'll stay at the house and play fetch with the werewolves or something." I smile
"Alice..." His tone is threatening but I pretend not to notice
"And maybe bake a cake or something," I continue
"You can't even cook," He smirks, knowing I actually have nothing to do at home but then I have no business going
"I'm not going Hary." I state, angry
"Do you think I really want to go? I hate that man just as much as you but my entire race will be wiped out if you don't come. He'll talk to you. Not me. You."

I think about it and he's right, my father will most likely talk to me as I am still his "Baby girl," but I just cannot look at him the way I used to, with such admiration and love.

"I'll have to resist the urge to spit on him and curse him out but fine," I sigh "I'll go."

Honestly though, why would anyone want to bring my dad back? He's useless and he will never be of much help. I always thought he was smart but truly he isn't. Yeah, he's intellegent but what he's done is so dumb and wrong in so many ways, he knows he could help us but he won't and for that, he is stupid. 

Once back at the house, the original lot were waiting for us in Harrys' office. It's actually nice for it to be just the five boys, CeCe, Summer and I again. Yes, even Summer.

"Edgar. Where is he?" Harry roughly asks, slamming himself down into his large chair and the rest of us stand
"You know where he is," Summer says boredly
"It's just a matter of knowing where that is," Liam adds
"There's a reason it's a lost palace. It's lost. Good luck finding it" CeCe sarcastically remarks
"Guys, Niall has something to say!" Louis shuts everyone up
"Okay, well once, when I was really hungry-"
"Oh god," We all cut him off with groans
"No, listen. I was wondering the streets and it was literally dead, not a single person out and of course I wasn't gonna break into someones home... So I went to a campsite where I just happened to bump into a group of vampires. I could literally smell blood from them, they'd just fed and I wanted to know where they got their humans from. They told me, The Lost Land of Eternal Desires and I laughed because well, it's lost and one of them turned to me and said 'To find a lost place, you must be lost yourself' so I did that, I got lost and I found it."

"Beautiful story Niall, really it is. But what exactly are you implying?" Harry speaks blandly, obviously not understanding
"He's saying, we need to be lost to find a lost place otherwise everyone will find it. So, I guess we're getting lost" I speak up for the first time
"There's just one itty bitty problem" Zayn says "We don't even know if it's in this country"
"It's lost. It can be anywhere" Louis says.

Well this meeting suddenly got deep.

"Summer and Liam you're staying here. The rest of you, pack a rucksack, we're getting lost" 


Update. YaY. I actually have some serious matters to discuss, so read this whole an, please.

- I was actually going to stop writing this since reads and comments are way lower than they used to be and I feel like no one is actually reading this anymore, I miss the comments that kept me going, let me know that my book is actually worth writing, I'm not getting many of those anymore and I feel like I've lost many readers and it upsets me a bit, I know the updates have been long awaited and short but I'm building up to something and I'm writing stories on the side of this one, so bare with me please. So yeah, I'm still not sure whether to keep writing or not so yeah let me know. And sorry this chapter hasn't been re-read or edited.

- If I do continue writing this, updates will be more frequent since I have a new mac now and it's easier to use.

- Please read my other books Dark - Dangerous - Damaged (Louis Tomlinson) and Punk Rock (Harry Styles)

- @StillHaveAllMyHeart is new to wattpad and she's been telling me about her new book and she deserves reads so check her out, yeah?

- I don't know if my granddad actually came up with that quote or not but I remember him always saying it.

Thank you, bye.

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