Chapter 5

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Yesterday was certainly interesting. After writing in my diary, Louis practically dragged me out my room and I am now locked in a room with a tennis ball infront of me and I have been since 8pm yesterday, it is now lunchtime. Why am I locked in a room with a tennis ball? 

I'm not even sure.

They want to test something, try and get my abilities to "shine through" so, I have come to the conclusion they know what I can do, I wish they'd just tell me!

"You hungry?" Harry asks through the walkie-talkie on the desk, I'm sure they can see me, I don't know how, but they can.
"No" I mutter, rolling the tennis ball around
"God sake, Haz!" Niall growls "At least let me give her a hint..."
"Fine, fine!" Harry surrendors and I giggle at what was most likely supposed to be a private agreement.

Before I could make sense of what Niall had previously said, the tennis ball shot from my hands hitting the wall with a lot of force, then just gracefully floating aroung the room. "What a great hint" I mumble sarcastically. How does that help me with anything? I can't do that... Can I?

"She's not doing anything, Harry" Summer speaks boredly
"She can do it, she did it yesterday, she can do it again" Harry defends, what did I do yesterday? "We just need to.. Over-whelm her"
"I can still hear you"
"Oops" I heard some fumbling before it all went silent, I guess they've turned of the walkie-talkies...

Not moments later everything in the room was floating, as if gravity had just given up, there were dark clouds forming below the ceiling as it began raining, a small fire had started in the corner of the room, lights were flicking on and off and Louis' voice was stuck inside my head, whispering things I didn't want to hear. The room was shaking and I am certainly overwhelmed.

"Stop!" I scream, louder than ever. 

Everything in the room drops or disappears and all is silent.

"Thank you" I whisper, massaging my temples
"That wasn't us" Louis, Harry and Niall say at the same time
"It obviously was... Idiots" I mumble the last word
"That was all you, Alice. All you" Liam says proud yet softly, almost if I'd get angry by the words "Now... Try and move the ball"

I nod, focusing on the ball, I frown and slightly poke my tongue out, the ball shakes slightly but never moves.

Focus, Alice. Focus.  I think to myself just as the ball shoots across the room hitting one wall bouncing off, coming my way, I duck down as the ball flies above me hitting the next wall before hitting the floor, then the ceiling, the floor, then another wall. I get so annoyed with it that I make it explode. Literally, the ball is no longer a ball. Just a pile off ashes on the floor.

The door unlocks itself; Harry and Zayn enter clapping loudly with grins on their faces. "What...?" I say slowly, immensely creeped out

"You're a controller" Harry's grin grows "Just like we thought..."
"A what now?" I raise my eyebrow, slightly
"A controller... Alice, you can pretty much do anything... A controller can... Control obviously-"
"Control what?" I cut Zayn off
"Anything, objects, minds, other peoples abilities. It explains why you have a sheild" Zayn finishes, not effected by me rudely cutting him off
"It does?"
"It does."
"How so?"

How does me being a controller have anything to do with having a sheild? I mean, yes, I am literally the coolest vampire alive (Sort of alive) right now as I can pretty much get people to do what I want, but a sheild has nothing to do with that?

"As a controller you can, in a way, strip someone of their abilities. Not completely of course, temporarily; about 24 hours I think, but that is enough time for you to pick up on their abilities. You must have taken someones sheild accidentally when you were only half" Harry laughs slightly at the end.

"Whose?" I ask, I don't know any vampires except them; none of them have a sheild. Plus, didn't my dad say I had it anyway? "Didn't I have one as a half breed anyway?"

"Not sure whose and yeah, you did but then so does every other dhampir. You wouldn't still have it as a full vampire, which we've been trying to figure out. CeCe thinks you've taken the sheild from another being. Not a vampire, which is why it was so strong in the first place. You had your sheild, which would not have been strong as a half breed but you also had someone elses' sheild, too" Zayn concludes "We just need to find out who..."

"Someone gave it to her" Summer enters the room "I can sense it. She's thinking about it, she's remembering..."

"Why do we need to know who anyway?" I laugh nervously. I know exactly where I got this sheild from. It was only meant to remain between me and her but I guess not for long. Soon everyone is in the room surrounding me, pleading me with their eyes to tell them.

"Alice, listen to me" Harry grabs my shoulders, looking seriously into my eyes "We need to know who gave it to you. Whoever it is could be watching you right now. You have a bit of them in you. Have you ever watched Harry Potter?" He asks, what the hell? I nod anyway "Voldemort and Harry have that weird connection. You have one of those with whoevers sheild you have, now tell us"

So, I have a connection with her but not like mine and Harry's. Like a psychic one? She was only trying to protect me, she wanted to make sure I was safe and I was. Ever since she gave it to me, no harm was done. Physically anyway. People would try to hurt me but I'd never feel it and that's why I was a 'freak', 'abnormal', 'weird' and so forth. I didn't mind though, I knew I was any of those things and I'd rather be called that then be bruised and scarred. What ever would I have told my parents? I knew they wouldn't have carried on believing I fell down the stairs or fell off the monkey bars at school, I was so thankful when she gave me this sheild. I didn't know what it was at first, I actually forgot about it, until recently. Haven't had to really use it since school so I guess it wore off a bit, maybe. Can it do that? Anyway, I don't think they will understand that she was only trying to protect me...

"Who was trying to protect you?" Louis nudges Harry aside and holds me by the shoulders just as Harry had previously man-handled me
"I- I..." I look away and whisper, "I can't tell you that" And I really can't.

I am a woman of my word, afterall.

Soon everyone was yelling at me telling me to tell them and what will happen if I don't. "He's coming" Summer interrupts us all
"Who?" Liam asks, holding Summer to his side, comforting her. I mean, she needs it, she looks terrified
"The compellor" Louis answers for her
"Ben?" Harry's eyes widen "I didn't think he was coming!"
"Compellor?" I butt in
"Yeah, like you're a controller, he's a compellor, I'm a reader..." Louis explains
"I'm a naturist-" Harry cuts himself off.

A red haired, brown eyed vampire, the first of Harry's cousins, enter the room. "Harry," He speaks in his deep tone "Who are your friends?" He tilts his head - looking strangely adorable and his posh British accent, I mean I'm British but woah, it's so.. Gentlemen-like, making him highly attractive.

"CeCe, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Summer, Liam and Alice" Harry points to each one of us as he says the name
"So we have a..." The creepy/attractive vampire begins "Correct me if I'm wrong... A cloak?"
"What's it to you?" CeCe bites whereas Ben just rolls his eyes before stepping in front of Niall "A mover?" Niall just nods before Ben continues down the line towards Louis, Zayn, Summer, Liam and... Gulp.. Me.

"A reader, A morph, a... Psychic?" Summer nods "A healer and... And the half breed" He smirks
"I'm not a half breed" I growl
"Oh... That's right, you're..." He pauses, his eyes widening and he looks to Harry "A controller?! Harry! This is dangerous! You know they won't want to kill her if they find out... They'll want to keep her"

Keep me? What? Am I... Am I that important?

Keep me...


You're going to hate me but I won't update until Saturday, Sorry... 
I'm actually quite upset... Like no one comments anymore and I'm starting to think this is bad, so please give your feedback(no hate though, it'll be deleted) It'd mean a lot to know you actually like this and I'm not writing for no reason... So comment and vote pretty please. Add to your reading lists and maybe tell your friends?(: I love you all

I'm sorry if this is crappy by the way, I'm really busy and this was written in the space of 30 minutes...

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