Prologue Part 2: Time is of the Essence

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           The cliche line, "time is of the essence," never truly impacted the world until the Clock™. Before people knew when they were going to die, the saying meant to appreciate the time given to them because they never knew when their lives were going to end. Now that people know, time being of the essence is more of a guideline. It's plastered on the covers' of agendas to remind people how much time they have left to accomplish what they wish.

I hate it.

     It makes me sick how people can go on with their day-to-day lives with a permanent marker of how long they have left to live and act like it's nothing. That they don't become paranoid and drive themselves insane wondering, 

"I wonder how I'll die.

I wonder where I'll die.

Will I be alone when I'll die?" 

     Not a single person seems concerned with the burden that lies upon their shoulders knowing when they'll die.

     I guess I'm really not one to say. My Clock™ doesn't work.                                                                          

It doesn't work.

It doesn't work.

My God it really does not work.

   I live my life in fear everyday. I wonder if I am going to die everyday when I wake up. I wonder if somebody is going to find out my secret. I wonder if one day the TimeKeepers will find out and then I really will die. I wonder what will happen to my family. My mother, my brother, my sister. Will I be the reason they all die one day? It's so hard to live knowing not only that not only my life is on my hands, but so is everyone else that I love.

     My name is Emmerson Williams and this is the story of my Clock™.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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