Day 2

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I crack my eyes, and it takes me a moment to realize where I am, and that my limbs are tangled in with Christina's. I try my best to move without waking her, but she's already awake.
"I have to pee really, really bad, but I don't want to get up," she says, her voice slightly croaky. "Ugh. Why do I always sound like this after I cry?"
"I think it's your body subconsciously rejecting any serious feelings."
"Oh har, har, Tris. Get your leg out of my way or I'm going to pee on you." I roll out of bed quickly and let Christina out, grabbing my phone afterwards to check the time.
"Did you know it's almost eleven? God, I can't remember the last time I slept in like this," I say loud enough for her to hear.
"Good. Break your damn routines. Live a little," she yells back.
"I am living."
She opens the door and gives me a look. "Tris, I know. Just live a little...more. I like seeing you like this. No stress. Carefree. Young," she says with pointed enthusiasm.
"I know," I say with a smile. Christina has been my best friend since we were ten, and I don't know what I would do without her.
"So what's on the agenda today?" I ask as I shove her out of the bathroom.
"Sun, pool, boys, in no particular order. So get your suit on and let's go." I don't need to be told twice.
I set up in the shade to read a little, and give Christina a smile as she dives right into a group of boys nearby. It doesn't take long before I hear her laughing and look up to see her pulling one away from the group and having a little conversation. He's tall and slightly muscular with shaggy dirty blonde hair; definitely her type. I smile and stick my nose back in my book, counting down the time until she introduces me.
Sure enough, no more than ten minutes pass before she plops down next to me. "This is my best friend, Tris. Tris, this is Will."
"Hi Will. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," he says and extends his hand to me. I give him a small smile and shake his hand.
"Manners!" Christina mouths to me before winking and standing back up. "You should come join us in the water, Tris."
"Yeah, yeah. Let me finish this chapter and I'll be over."
I read another three before she gives me the stink eye and I join them.
I'm introduced to the others, and am surprised to find out that some of them also go to our school. Zeke and Uriah are brothers, and I can tell within the first two minutes they are the crazy ones. I've already heard three jokes, two of which made me blush, and then they dared me to steal some girls drink while she wasn't looking. I politely declined, but they just smiled knowingly at me. I have a feeling they get their way a lot with those smiles of theirs.
"So is it just you three?" I ask.
"No. We're here with our girlfriends," Zeke says, pointing to himself and Uriah, "And our friend Four and my girlfriends sister."
"Four?" I say, slightly confused.
"Yeah. He's my best friend."
"Oh," I say, still not understanding, but I let it drop. "Where are your girlfriends?"
"Medical emergency," Uriah answers.
"Oh, shit. Are they okay?" Christina asks, and they all laugh.
"Yeah. Marlene just broke a nail. You would have thought it was the end of the world. So they took her to the salon to get it taken care of."
We make small talk, and I realize pretty quickly that these are some really nice people. Zeke and Uriah often mess with each other by holding one another under water or running around on deck trying to pants each other. Will is very laid back but talks a lot; we learn all about his sister Cara, who is studying abroad, and that he is going to be going to school to be a doctor. Specifically, he wants to work in an ER. The way he talks about the rush of energy from helping those in need and not knowing what to expect next is quite captivating. He's incredibly smart, and I can already see Christina's eyes turning into little hearts.
Some time passes before the girls return, and we get the full introductions.
"This is Marlene," Uriah says. "She's the hottest girl on this ship, and she's all mine."
"Ugh. Keep it in your pants, will you? Hi. I'm Lynn, and this is my sister, Shauna," a small, tough looking girl says. She holds her hand out to me first, then Christina. We shake her hand before waving to Shauna, who is obviously with Zeke. Other than both having dark hair, Lynn and Shauna look nothing alike.
"Well, that's all of us then, except for Four, who you'll meet later tonight," Zeke says.
"Oh?" I say, not realizing we were making plans so soon after meeting.
"Yeah. They invited us to hang with them at one of the clubs tonight. I said yes. I didn't think you would mind," Christina says.
"Okay. Sounds fun," I say.

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