Day 13

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Warning: sexual chapter...and also very cringe worthy.

We spent our last day on land in Puerto Vallarta doing some more snorkeling; swimming with fish, turtles, manta rays, and even a jellyfish, before heading back to the ship to get changed for dinner.
We all decided we would splurge and have dinner together at The White Room, and that we would all dress as fancy as we could with what we brought.
"Here, wear this," Christina says as she holds out a dress. "And then I'll wear this one, and we'll be the hottest chicks on this ship." I sigh and roll my eyes, but she knows me too well. This is my favorite dress of hers.
"So, Four. He's like, a really good guy, isn't he?" Christina asks as we walk down the corridor. "I mean, I know I've asked before, but I just want to make sure you're not going to get hurt again. It's my duty as a best friend."
"Yeah Chris, he is."
"So are you going to try and like, date? Do a little long distance thing?"
"He's about forty-five minutes away, it's not that long distance," I say, stopping for a minute to think about what she said.
"Did you even talk about it?" she asks, laughing.
"Oh shut it," I say, giving her a little shove. "What about Will? He seems nice enough, which is usually the opposite of what you date. So my job as a best friend is to make sure you keep him around for a while because he's good for you."
"Hey!" she says with a smile. "You're right though, and I know that now. He's actually pretty perfect. And he lives on the secondary campus, so he's only like ten minutes away," she says, wiggling her eyebrows, and I shove her again.
"Wow," Will says as the host brings us to our table. "You look two look great."
"Thanks!" Christina says as she kisses him on the side of the head and sits. I give him a small smile and sit too, surprised Tobias isn't here yet. Surprised he didn't show up to walk us to the restaurant, actually.
Everyone else arrives and we order our drinks and a couple of appetizers, and I find myself getting more and more nervous that Tobias still hasn't shown up. While I haven't known him for that long, I know that this is uncharacteristic for him.
"I'll be right back," I say, and start making my way towards the exit. Just as I round the corner to head towards his room, I see him.
"Four, there you-" I stop, looking at his red face and clenched jaw. "What? What happened."
"Nothing," he says, taking a deep breath. "It's nothing. You look beautiful, Tris. Come on, let's go eat." As we walk, I notice him shake his hand out, and that there is a small cut on it.
"Hey, Four! It's about time!" Zeke shouts, and the table greets him with a round of applause. "As the last one to arrive, you get to buy the first round of drinks!" Four rolls his eyes, but gives Zeke a nod in defeat.
We spend a few hours enjoying each others company; drinking, telling stories and jokes, but mostly just laughing. I look around the table at each one of my new friends, and realize it's been a long time since I've felt like I really, truly belong to someone other than Christina. When I get to Tobias, I meet his gaze, and he is looking at me the way I deserve to be looked at; like I'm more than what's on the outside. I smile before leaning in and kissing him fully, not caring that the table has fallen silent and is more than likely watching.
"Hey lovebirds, get a room!" Uriah yells, and I hear Marlene whisper "Uriah!" as I pull away. I also see the middle finger Tobias is holding out in his direction, and laugh.
"It's about time," Shauna says even though they've all seen us kiss a few times before. This is more than just a peck though, and I smile as she holds up her glass. "To new friends."
I grab my glass and hold it out with the others, "To new friends."
"So, Christina said something as we were getting ready tonight, and it made me think," I say as we walk along the deck after dinner.
"Yeah. She asked me if we were going to do the long distance relationship thing," I say.
I stop walking and look down as a small wave of nervousness rolls through me. I'm about ninety-nine percent sure Tobias wants to do this, but that doesn't stop the nerves from setting in. He stops walking too and after a moment, reaches out and lifts my face to his.
"I've thought about it," he says quietly, "A lot, actually. And honestly Tris, I can't imagine anything else." I smile and pull him towards me, and he wraps me tightly in his arms. As we stand there, I hear a noise- a scoff maybe? It draws my attention to an entryway, and I see Eric standing in it, sporting what looks like a fresh black eye and a scowl.
"Tobias," I say, pulling away and grabbing his hand. "Did you hit Eric?" He pulls his hand from me and tries to hide it behind his back. "I already saw it, you goofball."
He sighs and lets his hand fall to his side. "I ran into him as I was coming to dinner, and he was saying some...unpleasant things to me about you." His jaw clenches a few times, and I reach my hand up, running it softly along his cheek. "I couldn't stop myself. Are you upset?"
"Well, yes. But not because you hit him, he deserves that no questions asked. I just don't want you getting in trouble because he's an ass."
Tobias gives me a kiss on my forehead. "I hate the fact that he's around and that he hurt you the way he did and that I won't always be there for you if it happens again. But if you wan't, I'll do my best to ignore him from now on."
"Okay," I say, flipping the bird in Eric's direction. Tobias notices and follows my arm out, clenching his jaw again when he sees him. "Hey," I say, turning his face and bringing his attention back to me. "You're my knight in shining armor," I say, grinning that I'm the only one that gets the joke right now, "Why don't we go see if we can find a hero's reward for you." I bite my lip and wink at him as I take his hand- his eyes immediately drop down to my lips. He raises his eyebrows as he brings his eyes back up to mine, and the smile that appears on his face is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen.

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