Day 5

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"What time did you get in?" I ask as I crack an eye open and see Christina standing over me, prodding a finger into my side.
"About five minutes ago, but enough about me. How was your date?"
I shoo her hand away and grab my phone; it's almost 10. "It wasn't a date. It was a bet being paid," I say as I rub the sleep from my eyes.
"Yeah, okay. I overheard Four this morning, and he wouldn't shut up about you. He was talking to Zeke, and he kept going on and on about how nice you are and that you seem like you're pretty tough and how you have this longing thing going on and-"
"Okay, okay. Enough already. I get it." Longing thing? I pull the sheet up over my head to try and disguise my smile.
"Ha! I knew it!" Christina says as she rips the sheet off of me. "Now get in the shower, we have somewhere to be."

"Okay, I like this whole cooking class idea thing, but who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" I say to Christina as we walk into a room that's basically a giant kitchen.
"What? I cook."
"Microwaving things and ramen don't count," I say.
"Well, maybe I want to learn, okay?"
Zeke, Uriah, Shauna and everyone else we just met come walking in and choose the stations right next to us. "Wow, what a coincidence," I say sarcastically.
"Shut it," she replies through gritted teeth as she smiles at Will.
I smile at her, but out of the corner of my eye, I see a flash of blue and am instantly drawn to it. Four stands in the doorway and smiles at me; the grin I had aimed at Christina easily doubles in size.
"Going to learn how to make those fries from last night?" he asks as he walks up.
"Oh I wish. I think it's a combo class, though. One breakfast item, and one dinner item."
"Welcome everyone," a small woman with graying hair says from the front of the room. "I trust you and your partners are ready? My name is Violet, and today I will be teaching you how to make both donuts and pizza from scratch. Aprons on!"
Four gives me a quick nudge and takes his place with Zeke next to us.
"Why are we doing this again?" I hear Zeke ask as he fumbles with his apron.
"Because your girlfriend asked us to, and you're a nice boyfriend who sometimes does things he doesn't want to because it makes her happy."
"Oh, right," Zeke says with a grin. "I knew I kept you around for a reason."
"Shh!" Shauna says as she gives Zeke a look. She is paired with Marlene, and Uriah and Will are paired with each other. It works out perfectly because the workspaces are really four smaller ones placed together to form a large square.
"There is a cabinet underneath each station full of everything you need to participate, as well as a list of all the ingredients you will need, some of which are in this fridge over here," Violet calls out. "Everyone please gather your things."
We laugh and joke as we grab the sugar and flour and the rest of what we need. Christina and I take turns following each step, and before we know it, we're frying up some delicious donuts.
"I can't believe I actually cooked something edible," she says as she takes the first bite. "Oh, god. Tris, it's like my mouth is having an orgasm."
"Shh, Christina," I say, looking around to see if anyone heard.
"Oh, what? Am I embarrassing you?" she asks. "Oh, god. This is so good. Mmm, oh yeah," she says loudly, mimicking a ridiculously fake and over the top orgasm. Everyone in the class laughs, but I just turn five shades of red. I'm even more embarrassed when I notice Four watching me, but I think I see a little pink again on his ears too.
We pass around and share the donuts we made with the others when we're all done, and by far, ours is the best. I stick my tongue out at Four and say, "Yet another thing I beat you at."
"That's it," he says seriously. "You're my partner now."
"Oh what a wonderful idea!" Violet says as she walks by. "Everyone, I want you to pick a new partner for the second half of the class. Have some fun and meet new people!"
Christina immediately runs over to Will and shoos Uriah away, who gladly pairs up with Marlene, which leave Zeke with Shauna and Four with me. We gather our ingredients for part two, and start making the dough. As it rises, we make the sauce and chop the ingredients we want to use.
"Just pepperoni?" I ask.
"Eh, I don't like much else. We can make it half and half though, if there's something else you want."
"No. I like pepperoni."
He grins like a goofball and says, "Just wait. I have an idea."
As we roll out our dough, Four taps the tip of my nose with his flour covered finger. "Hey," I say, and press my hand on the side of his face, leaving a nice handprint. This gets the rest of them going, and before we know it, we're all more white than anything else. Violet rolls her eyes, but smiles anyway; I'm sure she deals with this on a daily basis.
We cover our pizza with sauce and a ton of cheese, and when I reach for the pepperoni, Four stops me. He winks and gives Zeke a nod, and Zeke flashes one of those mischievous smiles he always seems to get when he's up to no good.
"Why do I have a feeling you guys get into a lot of trouble together?" I ask.
"It's all him," Four says. "I never did anything until this one came into my life. Bad influence. Do not trust," he says with a grin.
"Hey, it's not like you ever object to any of my ideas," Zeke says.
Four takes the pepperoni, and starts carefully laying it out in a design, and I can see Zeke doing the same. It doesn't take me long for me to figure each one out.
"Immature, the both of you," I say. "Boobs? Really?" I lean over and take another look at Zeke and Shauna's pizza.
"Hey, at least it's not a dick like ours," she says as she gives Zeke a playful shove, but both boys just laugh.
"Ha ha! Penis pepperoni!" Uriah says. "My feelings are hurt that you did not include me in this, by the way."
"One day little brother, you will learn the cues. Until then, it sucks to be you. And Tris, we may be men on the outside, but inside, we're perpetually twelve years old," Zeke says.
"Good to know," I say as I give Four the side eye. He just grins.
After we bake our pizzas, we all share again. "Well, I finally won," Four says to me.
"Oh? And what makes you say that?"
"Two reasons. The first is our pizza is by far the best, boobs or no boobs. Second, I got to spend some more time with you."
As hard as I try not to, I smile.
"I need another shower. And a nap," Christina says.
"I second that," Marlene says. "This flour is everywhere."
"Swimming tonight?" Will asks.
"Ooh, yes," Christina says.
"Okay," I say. "Let's meet at the Crystal pool."
We spend the late afternoon taking a nap and talking about Will and Four.
"So, he's cute, I know that much. But what's he like? He seems pretty laid back, but quiet."
"That's pretty much it," I say. "Same can be said for Will, huh?"
"Yeah. He's not nearly as secretive as Four though."
"Secretive?" I ask.
"Yeah. They've been friends for a while, and Will says he still doesn't seem to know much of anything about him," she says.
"Well, sometimes you just need secrets," I say. "Besides, he seems like he's the type of guy that tells, but only when he's ready."
At least I hope he is.

"Cannonball!" Uriah yells as he jumps into the water. Will shoves Christina in, and I laugh because she's not the best swimmer when she's unprepared.
"Don't even think about it," I warn Four, but he just raises his eyebrows at me and pushes me in anyways. "That's it. You're a dead man," I say when I come up.
He dives in and comes up right next to me. "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Promise I won't do it for the rest of the night," he says.
"Okay, but I still owe you. Hey, where's Lynn? I meant to ask earlier but I haven't seen her since the first night."
"Oh. She found someone to hang out with. Something about not wanting to see everybody making out." I smile, but I know that's not what she really means.
The pool is mostly empty, so we are rowdier than usual. We play chicken, marco polo, and have a cannonball competition, which Zeke proudly wins.
After a while, we sort of relax into different groups, and I find myself floating on my back with my eyes closed. A gentle pair of hands finds their way to my back, and I open my eyes to see Four looking at me.
"Hi," he says.
"Hey. What are you doing?" I ask.
"Nothing. Just watching. And maybe wondering what you're daydreaming about."
I smile. "I'm actually not right now," I say.
He floats me around the pool as I look up at the stars, sometimes stealing glances at him. Each time his eyes are on me, and each time my heart beats a little harder.
"Okay, now I'm daydreaming. It's a little cheesy, but it's fun to do. Have you ever seen Wall-e?" I ask as I start to move my arms like I'm swimming.
"I have."
"Okay, so when I look up as you carry me around the pool, I can see all of these stars up there, and I'm imagining that I'm really floating among them like they do in the movie."
Four removes his hands, and I let myself float back upright. His eyes seem darker than I have ever seen them, and it sparks a little interest in me. I also happen to notice the fleck in the left eye that is slightly lighter, and I like that he has that tiny flaw; it makes him seem more human. He takes a small step closer, gently lacing his fingers with mine under the water, and I don't have any desire to pull away from him. We stand like that for just a moment until Zeke interrupts us with a cannonball.
"That's it!" Four says as he takes off after him. He holds him underwater until I protest, and then he let's him up for a second before doing it again. Everybody laughs and cheers and seems to have gotten their second wind, so we swim and goof off until the early hours of the morning.

I died of laughter while writing this chapter. 😂👌🏼👍🏼
Thanks for reading!
Be brave,

Christina Eaton 🔥

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