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"Will and I are going out to dinner tonight."
"Okay," I say. It still feels weird being back. Two weeks have passed, and though I've talked to Tobias in one form or another almost every day, between my classes starting back up and his job on top of his classes, we figured we can't meet up for another three weeks still, and it has me a little down.
"You want to come with us?"
"No. You two go and have a good time."
I grab my Kindle and curl up on my bed, hoping to get lost in the wizarding world for a little while. When there's a knock at the door, Christina yells for me to get it.
"Hey Will," I say as I let him in.
"Hey. How are you Tris?" I shrug and give him a little smile. "I actually have something for you," he says, a small smile on his face.
"Me?" He nods and pulls a single flower from behind his back; a stargazer lily.
I look from his hand to his face and back before taking it from him. "Thank you," I say.
"Well, it's not actually from me, but you're welcome." I smile as I bring the flower up and smell it. "Christina said you didn't want to come to dinner with us, but if I asked you, would you reconsider?"
I raise an eyebrow, but give in to the pleading puppy dog eyes Will is giving me. "Okay."
"Yay!" Christina yells from our bathroom.
We go out to the pizza place that's just a couple of blocks away, and just spend some time talking and reminiscing about our trip. I see Christina occasionally text someone, but don't think too much of it.
"I think we're ready," she says all of a sudden, and Will stands.
"Oh, okay. Do you want me to go get lost for a while?" I ask, confused by her sudden outburst.
"Nope," Will says, and I look back and forth between the two of them, but both of their faces are blank.
"Okay then," I say.
As we walk back to campus, Marlene comes up to us out of nowhere. "Hey!" she says to me as she bounces a little in place.
"Hey yourself. What are you up to?"
"Oh, nothing. I was just about to meet Uriah. Can I walk with you guys?"
"Sure," I say, getting more suspicious about everything as each minute passes.
"Oh, I almost forgot. This is for you," she says as she pulls a stargazer out of her purse.
I stare at her, but she just smiles sweetly and pushes the flower in my hand. "Uriah should be around here somewhere," she says as we start walking. I look over at Christina, but she is busying herself with staring at her fingernails as we walk.
"Marlene!" I hear a familiar voice yell. Uriah bounds up and gives her a big hug. "Hey guys!" he says with a smile on his face. "What are you up to?"
"Just heading back from dinner," Will answers.
"Cool, cool. Ready Mar?"
"Okay. See you guys later. Oh, and Tris?"
"Yes," I say slowly.
"Here," he says as he pulls a stargazer out of his back pocket.
I take it and turn to Christina. "Okay, what the hell is going on?"
"What?" she says calmly.
"You know what," I say, but she just shrugs.
We just hit the steps to our dorm when Zeke and Shauna come walking through the doors. "Oh there you are!" Zeke says to Christina. "We just stopped by to say hi, but you weren't home."
"Stopped by my butt," I mutter.
"Hey Tris," Shauna says as she leans in for a hug. "How have you guys been?"
"Good," Christina answers. "Actually, Will and I were thinking about taking a walk. Want to join us?"
"Sure," Shauna says.
I eyeball the back of everyones head when they turn and leave me standing there, and shake my own in total confusion before heading up the stairs. I've had enough weirdness for one evening. Just as I reach the door, I hear heavy footsteps.
"I almost forgot," Zeke says from behind me as he plants a wet kiss on my temple and holds out two more stargazers.
"Thanks," I say as I wipe the side of my face with my sleeve. His face breaks out into a huge grin and he winks before he runs back to join the others.
I smile in the elevator on the way up and smell my flowers; five now in total. When the doors open, I walk quickly to my room to get them all in some water.
It takes me a minute to notice the one laying on my bed, along with a little card attached to it; I hesitate for just a moment before reading it.
Look out the window for your other half
I can't stop the enormous grin that spreads across my face as I rush over. Standing underneath the giant oak tree that's right outside our window is Tobias, flowers in hand. He waves, and my heart stops for a moment as the words he wrote echo through my mind. Sure he has the other half of my dozen flowers in his hand, but it could also mean...
Without another thought I race down the stairwell, too impatient to wait for the elevator. When I burst outside, he is already halfway up the stairs.
"What are you doing here?" I ask through the kisses I am showering him with.
"I wanted to visit our photo album," he says with a sly grin.
I roll my eyes, but smile all the same. "I thought you had to work?"
He let's out a fake cough. "I'm sick."
"Oh you poor baby," I say with a laugh.
"So, where's my other half?" I ask as I look at his empty hands.
"Right here," he says as he looks in my eyes, and now I know he isn't talking about the flowers. I pull him into me and kiss him with more passion than I ever thought I was capable of. When we separate, he reaches over and grabs the rest of my flowers from the wall where he set them.
He leads me across the grassy common area, hand in hand, to where everyone is waiting for us.
"Thank you guys. That was very sweet," I say.
"Anything for you," Christina says as she hugs me.
"Since I'm here," Tobias says, "How about I cash in that rain check for dessert?"
I look over at Christina who says, "Ice cream?"
"Sounds good to me," I say.
We spend the evening hanging out and talking in an ice cream parlor, and everyone eventually filters out, leaving just Tobias and me.
"Thank you," I say. "I was feeling a little down today that I had to wait so long to see you, so this was the absolute perfect ending to my day."
"Well, it's not over yet."
"Oh," I say, with a raised eyebrow.
He takes my hand and leads me back towards my dorm. He doesn't say anything, and I let him fumble around the building for a little while before finally asking if I can help at all.
"I'm just looking for the damn emergency exit," he says.
"It's over here," I say with a confused look on my face. He gives me a small smile before leading me up the stairs.
When we get to the top, he props open the roof access door and leads me out. I stop in my tracks when I see what's up here.
"Tobias," I say quietly.
"I thought that maybe we could start our own tradition," he says. He takes my hand and leads me over to the brand new telescope that's sitting here, complete with red bow and all. "Meeting you has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me, Tris. I love the memories we made on the cruise, and truthfully, I hope we make many, many more."
I spin around and take his face in my hands, kissing him softly. "Tobias, I want nothing more in the world. But how did you?"
"Zeke and Shauna," he says with small smirk.
"Ahh. Clever." He smiles and gestures for me to look in the telescope. It takes me a minute, but I get the position just right, and let Tobias look.
"To making memories," I say as he looks in the eye piece.
Saturn may have been something I shared with my father, but I am more than happy to share it again with someone else, someone who I could love just as much. I run downstairs and grab a couple of blankets and we stay on the roof, talking and looking at the stars, until the early hours of the morning. I convince Tobias to stay just one more hour with whispers and promises before taking off my shirt and his. When we finally say goodbye with a kiss by his car, our hair and clothes a rumpled mess, he whispers into my ear, "To be continued."
"Until next time," I say, and my heart skips a beat at the thought of how many more of those there will be.

Well, that's all... for now. I hope you all enjoyed this because I had a really fun time writing it. I am going to continue this story, but not in the typical story fashion. Most of the time the reason most modern day's don't work, I think, is because there's literally infinite things you can write about them in an infinite amount of years, and it just goes on and on and on. I don't want to do that story. So instead I'm going to write it as a series of one shots and/or short stories through both POV's, going through the different stages in their life that are super important as far as a relationship goes, to things that don't really matter and are just another day.

I have lots of ideas to incorporate, but if you guys have anything you'd like to see, or an idea for certain type of scene you'd like, MAIL ME! I'll see what I can do about incorporating your ideas, and I can get a feel for some of the things you're after. I think I'm also going to add in one scene from this story from Tobias' POV (meeting Eric before dinner. Spoiler: there's your first chapter. 😜) I am already in the middle of another story though, and this one is really hard for me. I don't know that I'll be able to write both at the same time, seeing as how they're SO different, so I probably won't get started on this sequel until I'm done with the other one. I'm gonna push myself to get posting the rest of my other story done by the end of this month (fingers crossed), so make sure you're following to get updates for both of these stories.

Once again, I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it!
Be brave,

Christina Eaton 🔥

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