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Sitting there, singing my song, was the girl with red hair. Ugh, until I find out her real name I'm gonna have to give her a nickname now... Later. I stood there in awe as her beautiful voice bounced off the walls.

"She sings wonderfully, doesn't she?" I heard a voice say.

I jumped and turned to see Georgia standing behind me, a smile on her face. She walked to my side and we both watched the girl on the stage sing my song.. I felt honored to have my crush sing my works.

"Her voice is pretty marvelous." I replied in a daze, my eyes not moving from the stage.

I felt slightly uncomfortable under Georgias intense stare. Sadly the song ended and the girl stopped. Before setting the guitar down she examined it carefully and brushed her finger on the strings. She put the it back, grabbed her bag, and shut the lights off as she exited. Georgia and I walked out into the hallway.

"Was she the girl Dante was talking about?" She asked curiously.


She chuckled lightly and looked down the end of the hallway. Her phone began to ring and she pulled it out. The caller I.D. read "Annabeth/Max".

"I got to get going, see you later Shawn!" She said with a grin.

I gave her a quick hug and she jogged down the hallway, answering the phone on the way. I made my way to the parking lot and got into my car. Hey, maybe I could get to know her by striking up a conversation on one of my songs! I mean I'm guessing she's a fan so you know, I'll just use my advantage as a celebrity to get to know her.  But then again, she was shy. She didn't ask for an autograph or pay any attention to me anyways.

I had gotten so distracted in my thoughts, my car started to go off road. I jerked my car back into place and began to pay attention to my surroundings. I had missed my street and had to do a U-turn. This girl was already getting to my head on the first day! I came to a resolution as I pulled into my driveway. I HAD to talk to her, no matter what.



"So, how was your first day of school?" Georgia asked as we pulled into a McDonalds drive thru.

"It was OK." I replied as I rubbed my Eczema cream on my arms.

She ordered the food and looked over at me and realized what I was doing.

"What is that?" she asked as we pulled forward a bit.

"Its cream for my Eczema" I replied, tossing the tube into my bag.

"You have Eczema?"

"Yep and more"

Okay so I was a sickly child growing up. Since I was a premature baby 16 years ago, to now. Georgia looked at me worriedly as we pulled up to the window. I immediately grabbed my food and dug in, starting with my Chicken nuggets.

"I saw Shawn at the school when I went to the deans office." She said looking over at me.

"Cool." I responded, not caring enough to give her my undivided attention.

"Didn't you see him?" She asked.

"Yeah I did, during lunch." I replied biting into my burger.

"Did you guys talk?" she questioned.

"No we did not, in matter of fact, I didn't talk to anyone at all." I said, aggravated.

I turned and looked out the window, making the rest of the ride silent. I felt bad for snapping at her but I guess my temper was as bad as my hair. We entered the house and I was immediately greeted by Muffins. I scooped her up and giggled as she licked my face.

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