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I shuddered as someone behind me sneezed during math. A lot of people were sick right now...

Flu Season...

Agh Annabeth think positive your not going to get sick, no matter how much you feel like getting out of school and running for the hills. The bell finally rang and I was the first one out of the classroom. I heard more coughs and sneezes which made me run faster. Last period, only one more you can do it.

Shawn was putting some book sin his locker when I ran up to him, hugging him. He made me feel safe and untouchable. HA SICKNESS, CANT CATCH ME NOW!

"Woah hey kitten" he said, wrapping his arms around me


Someone coughed behind me and I jumped. Shawn caught me and laughed. I turned my head and saw Dante close his locker and sniffle. He turned and opened his squinting eyes. He jumped back with a gasp, stumbling backwards.

"Annabeth get far away from me" he warned

I just hugged Shawn tighter, why cant it be sick season over already?!

"Wait what why?" Shawn questioned

"Annabeth's immune system is weak, I don't want to get her sick" Dante explained

Shawn pulled me closer to him if possible.

"Okay yeah lets get you out of here Annabeth" he whispered

"There's one more period tho" I said lowly as e carried me

"Eh, we can skip it" he shrugged, using his back to open up the doors leading to fresh clean air

He carried me to his jeep and I stayed there in a ball. He drove me home, telling me he had to get home himself and prepare himself, his performance was in four days and we had to be there early.

"Oh Shawn look what I found on my phone!" I exclaimed, showing him my phone.

"Oh Shawn look what I found on my phone!" I exclaimed, showing him my phone

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"Oh my god

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"Oh my god... You look so cute there, but I mean you look cute in any picture" he laughed

I laughed too and kissed him goodbye. Thanking him one more time I went into the house, creeping in just in case Georgia was home.

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