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Its been about 2 months since I moved here. The days are growing shorter, there growing colder, and I have to turn around every several minutes to go tell the guys to go away. Yep, those people in the black van, there still here. And they insist on watching from a distance... Even though I know there faces so I can just spot them in a crowd. They get all creepy on me sometimes, they'll start telling me to be careful in art class and I don't know what but I just ignored them. I've done that all y life in London, might as well keep doing it here. Upside of being stalked is that I can get rides home instead of taking the bus so yay! Shawn and I have hung out more and more, hes really cute and funny.. But so is Sam. Sam and I stay about an hour after school ends almost each day to paint. Yep, paint. Or to do any art really. I've seriously have never seen anyone as eager to be my friend as Sam is... Well except Shawn, hes a little to eager sometimes. Shawn has come over my house several times and weave just hung out. Sometimes I would grab my guitar but get immediately embarrassed with Shawn's praises and stares. I don't even think I'm that good, but apparently he thinks so. Then there's Dante... Dante my main man, he practically lives with us now. I am not joking he has a sleep over every other night all because he wants me to be safe. The first night it was cause he passed out on the couch and we didn't want to wake him, but I had a nightmare that night and well.... Yeah. Enough about the weird news, lets go to good news. I'm starting to mentor Aaliyah in gymnastics cause apparently she found the need to tell everyone she knows that her brothers friend is a pro gymnast. Great right? Well I received an email from the local gymnasium that they wanted me to become a mentor. First person to sign up was Aaliyah, so now I mentor her every Sunday at 6... I go to the physiatrist once a week to deal with my 'problems' or insecurities.... Not talking about it. After London, I've felt like I need to talk to someone, and the shrink is the answer I guess. I finally got the stitches out of my head and I'm NOT in that stupid wheel chair anymore so WOOHOO! Currently I'm at school... The dreadful place.. Yeah I'm at school, hiding in the music room. Gloria tried starting a big fight again, Sam stood up for me and I almost began to cry. She called me "A stupid, good for nothing, anorexic, introverted and weak red head". I'm not anorexic I just.. Cant eat somethings or it could get me sick, my sickness keeps me unhealthily light and I cant help it. I've been this way since I was a baby, but today was the day I realized how abnormal from other people I really looked. Lately I've been having more panic attacks and mental break downs than normal and this was one of them. The only person that I could call was Max... She understood everything, cause she went through the same thing. I shakily picked up m I shakily picked up m phone and put Max on speed dial.

"Annabeth?" I heard her answer

"M-max" I said in between sobs

"Annabeth why are you crying?" She asked in the sweetest voice possible

"I-" I began before crying some more

"Where are you?" she asked

"At s-school I-in the m-music room"

She sighed.

"Ignore what people say, you cant help being the way you are! People love you that way. I mean, after what you've told me about Shawn and Sam, they like you. People love you the way you are."

I sniffled and began to calm down. She was right, other people loved me. Dante, Max, Grandma, Shawn, Sam, Aaliyah, Georgia. They all love me the way I am.

"Don't let the pain of the past weigh you down" she whispered

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. I wiped away the tears and took in a deep breath.

"Thanks Max" I whispered

She hung up and I sighed, letting my hand droop down to my side. I leaned back against the wall and looked to my right at the mirror. There was a small tattoo on my neck. It was a crown and several words that were blurred due to my tears... I had gotten it when I was just a baby. So did Max. I think everyone in my family had one. It sealed us to the family, proof that we were part of it. I looked away from the mirror.

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