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I was on my way to my locker from my first class to meet up with Annabeth when I heard the commotion. Most of the students were crowded around the base of the stairs and someone could be heard sobbing. I made my way through the crowd, I heard someone on the phone with 911 which increased my urgency to get through. Someone was hurt and badly. I finally made my in the middle and my heart almost stopped. Gloria was sobbing and holding and unconscious and bleeding Annabeth. I ran and dropped to there side.

"Shawn I didn't mean to..." Gloria said in-between sobs

I felt for Annabeth's pulse and found it but extremely weak. She was still alive, thank god.

"Annabeth!" I whispered, cupping her cheek in my hand

Suddenly some men and a stretcher ran in, taking Annabeth out of my arms. I got up and ran after them as they carried her out, I continued to call out her name, everything seemed a blur.

"Sir, do you want to accompany her in the ambulance to the hospital?" one of them asked me as they loaded her up.

"Shawn" I heard Gloria say behind me

I turned around, I don't understand why she's crying. I don't understand why she cares. I don't understand why she's here. But for the first time, she seemed actually upset. She seemed like she meant whatever was coming next.

"Shawn let me go in with her, please!" she begged, her mascara running

I just breathed out and she ran by me and jumped into the ambulance. The doors shut and I stood there. I felt something wet on my face and I realized, I was crying. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Dante.

"It was Annabeth" I said slowly

His face turned into sudden realization and he hugged me. Annabeth looked half dead by the time I reached her, and even worse now... I loved her, even if she didn't know it I did. But the bug question was.... How did this happen?



I heard the beeping.. The oh so familiar beeping. My body hurts, its hard to breath. What happened? My face felt sore but I forced my eyes open. I was in a white and grey hospital room, looks pretty fancy... Fit for a queen I guess.

"Annabeth!" I heard a girls voice say

My eyes settled on a completely devastated Gloria. Her make up was completely ruined, her hair disoriented, her eyes puffy and red from crying. Why was she here? But more importantly, why was she crying.

"G-Gloria?" I managed, but the pleasure on my lungs was great and I could barely breath

Luckily I had an oxygen mask, other wise I'm sure I would die. I moved my body and immediately regretted it as pain shot up from everywhere.

"Don't move, the doctor said not to" she said worriedly, standing up

Her red heels were at the chair and she walked over to me barefoot. How long have I been here?

"W-why are you here? What h-happened" I stuttered, taking in a deep breath

"I'm so sorry Annabeth... I- I thought I could just trip you and you would catch yourself on the guardrail and if you didn't that you would be strong and fine but it turns out I was wrong..." she said in one sentence

I looked up at Gloria. She seemed sincere about this. She didn't mean it to be this way, she didn't know.

"But once I figured out you had P.O.D, I freaked and immediately regretted everything!" She said urgently, putting my hand in hers

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