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After about five minutes of arguing over who loved Annabeth more we gave up, drawing a tie. Speaking of Annabeth, where was she? Ever since I made her mine, I cant seem to stay away from her. Ive been waiting to be able to kiss her since like... Well, the airport!

"10!" someone shouted

Wait wheres Anna? I want to be able to kiss her when the clock strikes 1. I scowered the living room for her but she was no where to be found.

"5" everyone shouted at once

The kitchen! Only place I haven't checked yet! I made my way over and saw Annabeth walking out but suddenly dragged back in. I ran over and I froze with shock at what I was seeing.

"1" Everybody shouted while I just stood there mortified

Dante had Annabeth pressed up against him, his lips pressed on hers. Annabeth shoved him away and stumbled back.

"What the actual heck Dante" Annabeth spat, wiping her mouth

"Yeah Dante" I snapped

Annabeth turned around and rushed past me leaving Dante and I alone.

"What the hell!" I shouted shoving Dante

"Look, I just wanted –" he began

"What? What did you want that required kissing my girlfriend?" I hissed

"Look, just back off me and let me explain" he said shoving me back

"Guys!" I heard Annabeth shout

We turned to see Annabeth with the boys who were looking confused. Annabeth partially hid behind Cam while shoving Nash forward.

"Look, it's a new year don't start fighting" Nash said as if he had memorized it

Annabeth moved along with Cam and shoved Matt forward

"We'll deal with this later" Matt also recited

Taylor then proudly stepped up, not neading Annabeths shove

"Your also scaring Anna, so yall might wanna take the possessiveness level down a notch" he stated before grabbing Annas hand and walking away

Cam, Nash, and Matt all turned on there heels like a trio of highschool girls and walked away with there arms linked. I turned to face Dante who was looking down at the floor.

"Your not getting away with this" I warned before walking out of the kitchen

I found Annabeth talking with my mother as if nothing happened.

"Hey babe, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked quietly, tugging at her sleeve

She quickly adjusted her sleve as if not wanting to expose her arm and just nodded. I lead her to another room and she sighed.

"You guys really scared me" she blurted out, a hint of anxiousness and fear in her eyes

I looked at her starangley as she breathed heavily.




"Look at me Annabeth did you do this?" My dad asked sternly

"Vincint shes just a kid, its normal for them to pull pranks" Uncle Rodrick said, patting my head

"Shut up Rodrick, Annabeth answer my god damn question" he yelled causing me to jump

I had caused colored water to fall on Rodrick and Dad, and now they were drenched. It was made for anyone who passed the hall but I never expected it to be dad, he never came around here.

"Woah, Vincint!" Rodrick said cautiously, pushing me behind him

Dad suddenly punched his brother in law and shoved him to the ground. He came up to me and smacked me before being tackled down by Uncle Rodrick.

That was the last time two guys fought over me. I got hurt in the midst, and always hated when people fought around me. Especially over me

*Flashback over*

I was snapped back into reality and met Shawns intense eyes. When Shawn appeared I grew scared because ever since ive been here they've both been possessive. Even if Dante had just kissed me, he was still my best friend.

"How did we scare you?" he asned cautiously stepping forward which made my heart suddenly skip a beat and my first reaction was to step back

Shawn looked at me up and down, his face suddenly grown with worry.

"Annabeth?" He said lowly

I shook my head when I thought I had seen my father. Shawn took another step forward and again I thought I had just seen Dad stepping forward with an evil grin. I stepped back again, looking around frantically.

The walls began to morph into a hallway of the palace, my clothes were changing. My breathing increased as my eyes etteled on Shawn in the middle of the hallway. I screamed when I suddenly saw my father looking ready for death. He suddenly rushed forward and I collapsed, the last thing I saw was Shawn.



Annabeth suddenly screamed and backed up into the wall, collapsing on the floor.

"Annabeth!" I yelled, rushing forward and catching her body as her eyes closed and her body went limp in my arms

The door busted open and the boys rushed in. Pushing past them was Georgia, Dante, and Gloria. Georgia cursed and ran forward as Dante just stared wide eyed.

"Annabeth, Annabeth wake up come on!" Georgia coaxed, elevating her head

Georgia checked for her pulse and I sat there supporting her head. What had just happened. Dante walked forward carefully and kneeled down next to me placing a hand on Annabeths forehead.

"Hey Annabeth, remember that time I shoved you into the river? Or maybe that time we ran from James when he wanted us to get ready cause we were all muddy? Or what about when we pushed Max down the slide into the pool?" he recited, remembering all of these memorys that I had never known

Dante was Annabeths best friend... Im not gonna let it go, the fact that he kissed her but all I really needed to know was if she was loyal. And she was, she didn't kiss back. I can ask him later, but he seemed to know what he was doing because several seconds later Annabeth shot up, hypervenalating and looking on the verge of crying.



My world was spinning, everything was dark and all I could here was my familys taunting voices. I wanted to scream but my throat felt dead. I wanted to cry but had no tears left. I wanted to call out to my family but I knew they were gone.

Fathers voice continued to ring out. Yelling at me, telling me I was a failure. But it was all broken by the voice I really wanted to hear.

"Hey Annabeth" It began

He began to remind me of the happy memories, the good parts of life. My sense of panic began to diminish and I felt my self laughing at the time we chucked Max off the side of the pool.

I felt my body completely and the feeling of being somewhere else warp me out causing me to breath heavily as I shot up. I turned to Dante and hugged him. I turned him down, I made him feel bad, he wanted to see if there was still hope so he kissed me.

Dante is and will stay as my main man forever. No matter what Shawn or anyone says. He knew to much to be let go. And I loved him to much to let go either.


Ik, yall thought it Shawn was kissing Annabeth but it wasn't! HHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH~ Anyways, HOLD IN IS SO CLOSE TO GETTING FOUR HUNDRED READS!!! THANKS!!!! WHOOP!

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