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"Aghhhh guys were up next...." I said nervously, biting my fingers

"Were gonna do fine, we performed at the Buckingham Palace, whats so different now?" Tristen asked, tuning his guitar and sitting completely chillant

"Yeah calm down Annabeth" Max said, placing her hand on my shoulder

I took in a deep breath and smiled, they were right. I was just over reacting. We HAD performed at the Buckingham Palace, but that was different. Very different.

"And up next is a small, youtube famous, band that has come all the way to perform for us, please welcome... The Singers of The Palace!" the aanouncer called out, the stage lights now pointing to where we were supposed to enter

I took in a deep breath and we ran out, waving at the people in the stadium, cheering and clapping for us to performe. I felt the adrenaline rush through my body as I felt te spotlight on me. I missed this, and all because of one simple car ride did I loose it all... Until now.

Now I realize who got me into this mess, even if I was now enjoying it. Im sure the band wouldn't mind if I switched it up a bit.

"Hi" I said with a wave, shifting my body weight and taking the mic of the stand

"Hello, whats your name?" Ariana asked

Yes, when they ment professional singers they ment the tops, and I had to perform my best for Ariana Grande, Adam Levine, and John Legend.

"Im Annabeth, and that's Tristan, Meghan, and Max" I introduced, my constantly moving my legs because of the nervousness

"Alright and why are you here?" asked Adam

"Well were here because a dumb friend of mine decided it would be cool to bring the whole band over to get me to sign up so" I said with a smile, visibly seeing Shawn in the crown on the front row seats, his cheeks going red

"This songs written and dedicated to him today for doing me the best favor of my life" I said before preparing my self mentally for my cue

I heard the guitar begin to play, they already knew what I was doing which was why I loved them.

"Oh I thought that ive been hurt before" I started, hitting a high note before the whole band stopped playing the music, leaving everyone in suspence when suddenly the lights died out

"But no ones ever left me quite this sore" I continued, the band starting back up and this time not stopping

"Your words cut deeper than a knife"

"Now I need someone to breath me back to life" I continued, smiling when I saw SHawns face light up

"Got a feeling that im going under..." I sang, mimicking the way Shawns voice went low then high again, just like Max and I used to when we sang along with him

"You watch me bleeding till I cant breath" I burst out with a high note, a look of shock on the judges faces as I countinue to hit every high note, mimicking his voice and closing my eyes to end up seeing Max, Aiden and I jumping around my purple and black room back home. Yes even my little brother was a fan.

"And now that im without your kisses, ill be needing stitches" I finished off, opening my eyes to see Adam quickly rub his eyes and Ariana reach for a tishue

I smiled, I had impressed them. I looked beyond the emotional judges to see a mile plastered on Shawns face as e clapped and cheered, Georgia, Gloria, Dante and Sam cheering along side him.

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