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"That was fun!" I said, entering our hotel room

We had spent our whole day at Disney's Hollywood studios, which was probably the best thing yet! Well.... That wasn't Universals Island of Adventure, we went all out getting wizard stuff there. We were both completely exhausted from walking, especially me. It got a point where I literally requested my wheel chair because of how weak my legs got.

"Probably the coolest thing ever" Shawn added, closing the door behind us

I threw myself on my bed, already feeling my body relax into the covers, ready for bed.

"Go take a shower" Shawn commanded, hovering over me as I opened my weary eyes

"I don't wanna, I didn't even sweat" I complained

"Yeah cause you cant, but that's still gross. Go take a shower" he commanded again, looking me right in the eyes

I groaned and rolled out from under him, weakly picking up my clothes and going into the bathroom. I was glad he had forced me to take a shower because the warm water rolling down y back relaxed me. As I lathered the soapy foam on my body, the water rinsed of the section on my wrist, exposing my scars.

With a flash, I remembered the day I had cut myself out of stress. My eyes squeezed shut as I visoned Dante walking into the bathroom, rushing to my side and cradling me. I shuddered under the steamy water, the memory fading away.

Quickly, I shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. I swiftly put on my clothes and stepped out of the bathroom, drying my hair with a towel. Without a word Shawn was already in the bathroom. I slipped under the covers of my bed, slightly shivering as the cold sheets pressed against my skin.

I was exhausted, today had been a long, but fun, day. I thought of the Indiana Jones show we had seen, the Star Wars attractions and the making of movies section. I felt the sheets warm up little by little and my conscious slip in and out before I was completely asleep...


I woke up, looking around me completely confused. I was dressed in the same dress I had worn to my family's funeral. There was the sound of an organ playing a funeral song when I realized I was in a chapel. There were three caskets aligned and its when it struck me, I was at the funeral. I went up to the caskets, looking down at each one with sadness until I came to an empty one.

My fathers casket..

Was empty?

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder to turn and see nobody except... Me? I was sitting besides Muffins and I felt a cold chill. It was winter! This was when Shawn and I had our first kiss. But something seemed off, like there was a heavy presence of evil.

Pure Evil

Shawn slipped into the bench beside me, slipping off his jacket and wrapping it around me, yet the real me was standing by and watching. I once again felt that cold hand on my shoulder. Practically trembling, I turned around slowly and let out a scream.

Standing there was my father, an evil grin on his face as his clothes were drenched. Blood ran down his face as his eyes were rolled to the back of his head.


I woke up with a start, breathing heavily as I realized it was just a dream. The bed that was full of my warmth was now cold. I looked over to my left to see Shawn sleeping in his own bed. Still slightly trembling from the nightmare, I slipped out of my bed, creeping around to the open side of Shawn's. His face was so peaceful and his cheeks were a light shade of pink.

Loose strands of hair fell over his forehead as he snored lightly and peacefully. He looked so cute and well rested... And comfy... And warm... I couldn't help it. I crawled into his bed, automatically feeling the warmth emitting from his body. I laid down beside him, feeling warmer and comforted then I had before. Before I knew it his muscular arm had wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him. He kissed my forehead as our body's remained pressed together, I stayed stiff trying to take in what was going on.

"Your cold..." he whispered, fluttering his eyes open slightly

"Let me fix that" he mumbled

He grabbed my arms and made me wrap them around him, his own arms doing the same around me.





"Oh my god why" Annabeth complained, tossing her phone across her bed

We had gotten back from our trip to florid last week and school was back so... Now we have homework, and lots of it. Annabeth groaned and flopped down on her bed.

"What's up Anna?" I questioned, twirling around in her desk chair

"Gloria and Dante got in a fight.. Again" she explained with a groan

"So whos texting you for help this time?"

"Dante... Im trying to explain to him that Gloria's been through a rough period in her life like I have, and certain things might set her off! I don't think they both have grasped the concept of love yet.." she sighed

I nodded lightly, looking down at the pencil I was twirling in-between my fingers.

"Do you know what love is?" I asked curiously, looking up to meet her piercing eyes

"Well... Mom used to have an analogy. Love is like a rose. And like a rose its fragile and needs to be tended. It depends either you choose to let it die or let it grow. A miss treated rose can make things complicated and could probably affect your future, but a well treated rose will promise you, not a perfect road but one close to it."

I smiled slightly. Love is like a rose huh. Depends on how you treat it then. Will you let it die or let it grow? A light bulb went off somewhere in my head causing me to leap forward and snatch my book bag off Annabeth's bed across the room. Annabeth shuffled back as I fumbled with the zipper, tearing open my bag and taking out my writing book.

Im not trying to start a fire with this flame

But Im worried that your heart might feel the same

And I have to be honest with you baby

Tell me if Im wrong and this is crazy

But I got you this rose

And I need to know

Will you let it die or let it go?

Annabeth rested her hand on my shoulder as she read what I had written down so far.



I know I know, its just another filler chapter.. But soon that will be different and I'll have a bounty on my head... Anwhooo don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter and the many... many more before this one.... Oh gods that's a lot of chapters... Anyways, sorry for the slow update, ill try to update more frequently.

And may the odds be with you!

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