~ Chapter XI ~

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Did I betrayed my boyfriend again?

I kissed a wrong guy again, twice! Why I didn't noticed that? Why I did the same mistake again? Why it always me to be blame that I kiss him.

I hold my chest, I could not bear the hammering of my heart. It aimed me to be hurt, to feel pain, to die. I am dying in thinking I had cheated my boyfriend again.

I could not blame him, I was the one who forcefully kiss him. I am flirting, I flirted my boyfriends twin. I am disgusting, I am such ashamed.

I felt weak-kneed and could not either step forward. I look at my mother with a terrible gaze, shocking face and scared feelings.

I step back, trying to show to my mother I urgently need to go back to my room. Trying to cover my guiltiness that I had kiss a wrong guy, that rude one!

All the emotion that I didn't expect to happen, came. It brought me into sorrow, lock up in my own faults, from the tip of my fingers down to my toes it shakes me so distressing.

I went directly to my room though my feet and knees are totally out of energy to step, to walked. I hardly did my best to run away from them, to run away from what I had done. I had kiss him and I had felt giddiness again for him. I was excite in his stares and dark smile, I felt great when his lips touches mine.

Did my body betrayed me? Otherwise my heart?

My mother want to know what happened, she was worried if I'm not feeling well. She went inside my room and there she saw me restless sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Do you have a fever?" she step forward near my bed.

"You look pale Toffeah" She said and sat beside me. She touched my forehead, my neck and my cold clammy hands. I feels shivering and flushing. I think I have a sudden fever just right now.

"I'm fine Ma.." I said in lazy toned. I am really weak to argue with her, to explain or even to understand what happened.

I don't know! I lay down in my bed and cover myself with blanket. Out of my mind, Ghellen was actually waiting for me at their school. I heard my phone ring, and I know that was Ghellen whose calling me.

I was hesitated to answer him. I am guilty, I could not speak or face him. I could not think, I had lost my presence of mind.

My phone rung several times, and my mother grab it at my purse to answer his call. My mind was loaded with unbearable thoughts, reminding me of all my sin to him, Ghellen.

I want to cry, but for what? I feel brawling with his twin, but why I would do that? I want to blame him cause he was rude again, but then, the faults was mine.

My mother ask me if I will come or not cause Ghellen was asking and waiting, Dhellan was also outside to drive me. I could not decide. My mistake was swallowing me once again. I just slip the blanket and show my eyes. I look at my mother and she handed me the phone, I grab it and cover myself with the blanket again.


"Are you alright?" Ghellen said on the other line. I am just listening, ashamed to say anything.

"Hey.. What happened to you there?"

"I'm really sorry if I was busy today. My driver is on vacation so I ask my brother to fetch you.."

"Did he went there?"

"Ye-yes, he-he-was.. his here!" I replied to him, trembling my own words.

"OK! Great, come here now. I have a surprise for you." he chuckled.

❝Broken Hearted Me❞Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon