Chapter four

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The reason why i put this picture is because Selena plays as Bella but you all can imagine her as you want to.


"What happened to you two?!" Bobby asked as me and Dean got inside laughing. "Umm..we sorted some things out! And he might even teach me how to protect myself!" I said. Bobby and Sam just looked at each other.They seemed confused.I mean i would be too cause like only four hours ago Dean hated my guts and now we come home laughing.
After that i went straight to bed since i was feeling tired as hell.As soon as i put my head on the pillow,black surrounded me and i drifted off to sleep.

Bella's pov'

The next day the boys had a case to solve about some monsters that kept eating people in the woods.They were about to go. "Hey! What about me? I'm not staying here all day you know!" I said making it clear to them that i will either go with them or i'll just go out somewhere. "Oh No,you're not going anywhere!" Dean said making a statement.And here he goes again at being the douchbag.I glared at him and sat on the couch. "Fine!" I said angrily.Knowing all too well that that wasn't gonna happen.

They headed out and got in the car.They started driving and as soon as i saw them leave i started heading out the door when Cas stood in front of me. "Gosh! You scared the hell out of me" i said putting my hand on my chest. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked. "I..i..nowhere. Just wanted to take some fresh air!" I said trying to fake a smile. "Don't lie to me Bella! You don't lie to an Angel! They asked me specifically to guard you!" He said. "Cas come on, how will i know how to hunt or protect myself when i can't even go out?" I asked. "Who says you're ever going to hunt? Although you do make a point!" Cas said. "So will you let me go?" I asked hopefully. "No!" He simply said and pointed to the couch telling me to sit.

I did as he asked 'til an hour later,while searching through Bobby's books on how to trap an Angel.Yepp i'm trapping Cas so i'll be able to go. "Hey Cass can you come here for a minute?" I shouted because he was in the kitchen.He came and as soon as he stopped in the center of the livingroom i lit a fire circling him and i started heading to the door with a gun on my hand and a backpack on my shoulders. "Bella don't do this! You're gonna get yourself killed!" I heard Cas yelling but i didn't stop.


I got out of the car and as soon as i arrived in the woods,i heard Bobby,Dean and Sam talking.
I saw them not too far from here but i hid behind a tree so they wouldn't notice me.

I accidentally stepped on a wood stick and it cracked making noise.I knew they would turn to look so i hid better as fast as i could.I stayed there for a minute.
"I thought we told you to stay home!" Sam said from beside me making me jump. "Gosh! You scared me!". "Do you know that we could have killed you?!" He said. "You really thought i'd stay home didn't you?" i said laughing.He just glared and continued walking to catch up with Dean and Bobby and i did the same. "What are u doing here?" Dean asked. "I told you i wanted to come and i did!" I answered. "Just stick close!" He said. To my surprise he didn't look mad.We continued walking with Bobby leading us,until he stopped and bent down finding some hair. "Couple of bucks!" He said checking it. And then continued "Head-butting over turf probably.Pretty sure the other fella won!". And then we continued walking for a while when Sam referred to Bobby saying "I guess i forgot.Before you were a hunter you were actually a...hunter" then Bobby replied "Yeah,well, we shot our dinner when i was a kid".
"You used to take us hunting.Remember?" Dean said. "That must have been cool!" I said and Dean just looked at me and simply said smiling "It was!"
And then he continued "Dad had a case, he'd just dump us on you.Shoot,you must have taught us most of the outdoor tracking we know"
"Yeah,what I could get to stick" Bobby said and Dean chuckled.
"I never could get you little grubs to pull a trigger on a single deer" Bobby said then Dean replied "Talking about Bambi,man"
"You don't shoot Bambi jackass.You shoot Bambi's mother" Bobby said and i chuckled.
We continued walking and then we saw something hanging on the tree.Dean sighed and said "Well,looks like we found Phil"
We called a cop and he arrived after it got dark.He got out of his car and said "Special agents" 'special agents' my ass,i thought to myself. "Listen,i got your call.But i'm not sure i got what you were saying" he said and then Dean pointed up and put the light on now dead Phil. "Hey, i
think we found Phil" the cop said and the Dean smiled saying "That's what i said".
"I should probably call this in". The cop said pointing at the car. "Yeah,yeah.Solid move Rick". Sam said but i could see that he looked concerned.The cop goes to the car and starts talking in his walkie "Uh,this is Ranger Evans up at Archer's Point.Come in" he paused waiting for a response but there was none. So he repeated "Uh,repeat.This is Cheif Ranger Evans" and as soon as he said that someone responded.Me,Bobby,Dean and Sam started hearing some noises from the bushes.Sam aimed looking for anything and Bobby said to the cop "Ranger, I think we've got company".
"Yeah? Who's that?"As soon as Ranger said that he got dragged by something in the bushes. "Ranger" Sam yelled and we all started running in that direction. Sam continued yelling "Ranger! Ranger Evans! Ranger" then we heard some noises from up in the trees when i said "It's got him up in the trees!" And then we all aimed at the tree looking for any sign when Bobby said "Lights off "."What?" Dean asked surprised. "Wait,Bobby, you think that's really a good idea?" I asked. "Shut up, shut off, and listen" he replied.We all shut off the lights and listened.We could hear something and it sounded like it was eating.After a moment Bobby said "Damn thing is eating Rick". Dean sighed and said "Man,i liked Rick!". And we all just looked at him.Then Bobby aimed his shutgun,closed his eyes and shooted blindly.The thing fell on the ground holding on its hand which probably was Rick's hand. "Wow.Nice shot,Bobby". I said and then Sam added "Seriously" looking at the thing on the ground what seems to look like a person but with a zombie face. "We all got our gifts" Bobby said. "What about the rest of Ranger Rick?" Dean asked looking up at the tree. "Ranger called in his 10-20.His own will find him.We got crap to do" Bobby said and we got the thing on the ground inside the car and went to a place we've been staying ever since Bobby's house got burned.

Sam and Dean placed the thing on the table. "Built like a supermodel,but the thing was strong. That's for damn sure.Carried a full-grown man up a tree in nothing flat" Bobby said. "But it took only one bullet to bring it down" Sam said looking at it. "And not even a silver bullet,just a bullet-bullet" as soon as Dean said that,the thing got up growling and we all started shooting at it until it fell down again. "Whew!" We all did at the same time. "First one must have just stunned it" I said putting my gun down slowly. "All right,well, let's check in Hulk's pants for some I.D" Dean said and searched the thing's pants.He pulled out a wallet "Oh, that is just gonna ruin the leather" he said looking at it. Sam took it from Dean's hand and then i asked "Are you feeling okay?". "Yeah, i feel great!" Dean replied.

"Gerald Browder..." Sam started reading the thing's I.D. "Uh,lived here in town, 5'9" ,brown hair and blue eyes...235 pounds" he said and we all got surprised because he looked thin. "Well,apparently,he's lost a little pudge" i said looking at him. "Maybe it's a..a lap-band side effect" Dean said smiling and then pointed at his stomach.We all looked at him weirdly,then Bobby got a metal stick from beside him and got it in the thing's stomach and when he pulled it out,something that looked sticky was hanging from it. "What the hell! I think we better have a look under Gerald's hood" Bobby said then him and Sam started looking into Gerald's stomach. After a few minutes of looking Bobby said "God! Its organs are swimming in this stuff" refferring to the sticky thing. "You guys getting hungry?" Dean asked coming from the other room with a bottle of alcohool pouring it on a glass that was on his hand. "I'm hungry" he said. "Same here!" I said agreeing with him since i haven't eaten all day. "What's that?" Sam said. "His stomach.For a guy on a diet,Gerry here packed it in pretty good" Bobby said. "That's human right there" Sam said pointing at something in Gerald's stomach but i couldn't look cause it was disgusting. "That's fresh Rick" Bobby said referring to the cop that Gerald ate earlier.They continued searching in his stomach.A few minutes later i heard Sam say "Um,but whatever this thing is,it's not the Jersey Devil,but it sure as hell ain't Gerald Browder anymore" then Dean interrupted "Okay,guys,seriously! It's time for dinner".

Okay guys,this is a long chapter so i'm gonna upload part two of chapter four,tomorrow.Enjoy Btw follow itsselenastiles on instagram if you want to see more manips like the one i put at the beginning.She's amazing

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